Molestation Victim to Activist: Journey of a Pedogate Whistleblower

11 months ago

When are we going to stop believing the left when it uses Saul Alinsky's Tactic #5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" against people like guest Alan Fountain. You have got to listen to this man's story and decide for yourself if he is telling the truth. The left would love you to believe he is a conspiracy nut, but more and more his message is becoming revealed.

As a young boy traumatized with early molestation, Alan takes us through his journey from victim to activist. Having become a pedogate whistleblower, he risked everything to bring light to the darkness of the now well-documented CIA's MKUltra program that conducted unspeakable acts of horror on it's targets. Rather than recoil into a corner, Alan hit back hard.

You will not want to miss this edge-of-your-seat interview!

You can find more about Alan Fountain at

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