Comments 7 and 8: Unveiling the Hidden Category of Stocks For Shakaama

7 months ago

Comment Numbers 7 and 8. Comment 7 is on Shakaama's channel. Comment 8 is on Dr. Boyce Watkins' channel, Black Excellence. No one can stop the majority of Black people from bowing before the alter of White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy or the Supremacy of any other dominant racial or ethnic group. There is no alter of Black Supremacy anywhere on this planet. No one can save the majority of Black people from being deceived by White Liberal Politics that has turned millions of Black people living in America into surrogates and willing participants in their continued social, political and economic subjugation. All anyone can really do is give them directions to a source like the book on Otis C. Harrison’s New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking that will alleviate socioeconomic ignorance and its destructive impact on millions of Black people worldwide.

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