Persona non grata!

6 months ago

FYI: The view counter manipulation is all about creating the image that nobody is watching the content that I publicize, in hopes that will discourage other people from watching and following my takes on this never-ending situation, because obviously the western establishments and intelligence agencies only want you to be following their propaganda and PSYOPS.

This video update of 17 February 2024, is an overview of what is taking place on the ground, in regard to the global social engineering program, and not least the public social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell. A.k.a. The worlds persona non grata! Something which is purely based on the successfulness of the western establishment’s psychological operations, against the publics at large supposedly about “me” in contrast to the actual reality, that takes place in my day-to-day life in complete isolation.

FYI: please give me a follow on Twitter at:

This is a really good video if you want a better understanding of what is actually taking place, in contrast to the western establishments and intelligence agencies fictitious propaganda movies and Psyop campaigns.

Their PSYOPS, and actual reality is worlds apart! Something they do NOT want you to know, as they constantly and even desperately indoctrinate people to have the opinion and belief system, that their fabricated virtual movie fabrications and real-time commentary through the synthetic telepathy communication systems and whatnot, should actually supersede actual and real material reality!

Obviously if people, have that belief system, then they can completely dictate and manage your reality through inter-alia AI generated virtual reality bullshit, that they are so heavily reliant on!

Perhaps you are one of those people! Who literally think that this global social engineering program and the public persecution of me, the world persona non grata, was for your entertainment purposes! If you still believe that to be true in 2024, you truly have a thing coming, as this program is being rolled out to be used against anybody and everybody in the nearest future!

PS if you’re Danish don’t be offended by me proclaiming that the general public here, are very or even extremely obedient to authority, this is just a statement of fact! And one of the reasons why Denmark was chosen to be the test country of this global project despite this global social engineering program is predominantly run by United States government and its Intel agencies!


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