The Creepy Peeker!! Terrifying Ghostly Face Peeks Through Door + Entity in the Alleyway!

4 months ago

As Kays and I were having a chat, three knocks bang out from what we first think is the house's front door.

We've been experiencing knocking and doors opening and closing for a few days now.

Kays gets up to check the door, but as she approaches, another three knocks happen, but she can tell these are coming from the bedroom door and not the front door.

As she inspects the door she is terrified by what appears to be a ghostly child's face peeking through the crack of the door!

I then go and check the door and also see this creepy face staring back. I check behind the door and there's nothing there and it appears that the face has vanished.

We sit back down and then three more knocks ring out, but these are definitely from the front door this time.

I check on our security camera and am shocked to see some creepy cloaked figure staring right into the camera. This entity then vanishes in front of our eyes!

Kays checks the alleyway, but can't see anything.

What a creepy chain of events! 😱

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