The truth about taxes.

7 months ago

All of the research that I do is continuously being reinforced with truth. I coined the phrase, generational indoctrination. What I mean by that is, when you would indoctrinate a parent, they will indoctrinate their children without realizing that's what they're doing. So we're great great grandparents were indoctrinated around the beginning of the 20th century. So their children were indoctrinated and their children children were indoctrinated in their children's children's children. It's kind of like the name Jesus. That name never appeared in scripture before the 15th century. So for over 500 years people have called him by that name, simply because that's how the church knows him, that's how their parents knew him and their parents' parents. Once this generational doctrination occurs it is very difficult to pull somebody out of that matrix. But I'm finding that by sharing truth with people on things that relate to their personal lives like fishing licenses marriage licenses this is a driver's license, these different commercial things that we have come to accept as lawful when in fact they're not lawful they're legal and their criminal in most cases. I was told about some of this stuff when I lived with Abram up in Tulsa. One of his friends run a savings and loan, and he was talking about he doesn't pay taxes. I told him to have fun with Capone. Not realizing that he was telling me the truth. But what 23-year-old kid is going to accept the truth.

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