Extraordinary Encounters: A Message from Andromedan Council of Wisdom

4 months ago

Summary: In this video, the speaker reflects on recent powerful experiences, including a transformative retreat and an encounter with a friend who had a profound interaction with his star family on February 14, 2024. The speaker shares details about communicating with these extraterrestrial beings, particularly a light being named Alanni from the Andromeda Galaxy, who is a member of a council of wisdom. The speaker discusses the unique frequency and consciousness of these beings and anticipates further interactions, emphasizing the importance of the ongoing global awakening among Starseeds.


Worldwide Awakening: The video highlights a current global awakening process among Starseeds, indicating that it's a crucial time for those who identify as star seeds to assist in the ongoing planetary transition.

Extraterrestrial Interaction: The speaker shares a friend's experience with his star family, detailing how the extraterrestrial beings upgraded him and initiated communication. The speaker also discusses their own interaction with Alanni, a member of the Andromedan Council of Wisdom.

Consciousness and Sovereignty: The video emphasizes the importance of understanding and asserting personal sovereignty when interacting with extraterrestrial beings. The speaker shares their approach to communicating as sovereign beings, seeking mutual understanding and connection.

Frequency and Service: The speaker describes the unique frequency and positive service-oriented nature of the encountered beings. They stress the significance of being open-minded and prepared for encounters with beings of varying frequencies.

Ongoing Acclimation: The video concludes with the speaker expressing openness to future interactions with the extraterrestrial beings, describing a visitation and anticipating further acclimation to their unique frequency before more direct communication takes place.

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