Episode 1877: Finding Joy in Surrendering to God's Will

4 months ago

Embracing the Narrow Path: Finding Joy in Surrendering to God's Will
We delve into the wisdom of the ages and explore how it applies to our modern lives. Today, we're going to discuss two profound insights from spiritual giants: St. Louis de Montfort and Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade.
St. Louis de Montfort once said, "Be one of the small number who find the way to life, and enter by the narrow gate into Heaven." These words remind us of the importance of choosing the path less traveled, the path of righteousness and virtue, even when it seems difficult or unpopular.
In a world where conformity often reigns, St. Louis de Montfort urges us to resist the pull of the majority and instead follow the narrow path that leads to life. He warns us that there are only two roads: one that leads to life and is narrow, and the other that leads to death and is wide. There is no middle ground.
This call to embrace the narrow path is echoed by Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade, who speaks of the soul enlightened by faith.
Before we do let me provide a brief biography of Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade (7 March 1675 – 8 December 1751) was a French Jesuit priest and spiritual director, best known for his classic work "Abandonment to Divine Providence" (also translated as "The Sacrament of the Present Moment"). He was born in Cahors, France, into a wealthy family. At the age of 18, he entered the Jesuit novitiate in Toulouse in 1693.
After completing his theological studies and being ordained a priest, de Caussade began his ministry, primarily working as a preacher and spiritual director. He served in various capacities within the Society of Jesus, including as rector of colleges and as a spiritual director for Jesuit novices.

De Caussade is best remembered for his spiritual writings, particularly "Abandonment to Divine Providence," which he wrote as letters of spiritual direction to the nuns he served. The central theme of this work is the idea of surrendering oneself completely to God's will in every moment, trusting that divine providence is at work in all circumstances, whether they are joyful or difficult. He emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment, seeing each moment as an opportunity to encounter God and to fulfill His will.

Although "Abandonment to Divine Providence" gained recognition after his death, de Caussade's teachings have since become influential in Catholic spirituality and mysticism. His insights into the spiritual life continue to inspire people seeking a deeper relationship with God.

Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade passed away on December 8, 1751, in Toulouse, France, leaving behind a legacy of spiritual wisdom and guidance that continues to resonate with readers seeking spiritual growth and understanding.
Now for his purpose in this episode. He said, "The soul that recognizes the will of God in every smallest event, and also in those that are most distressing and direful, receives all with an equal joy, pleasure, and respect."
Fr. de Caussade reminds us that true joy and fulfillment come from surrendering to God's will in every aspect of our lives, even when circumstances seem bleak or challenging. He encourages us to see beyond the outward appearance of events and to honor the majesty of God hidden within them.
Both St. Louis de Montfort and Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade invite us to embrace a radical way of living—one that prioritizes faith over worldly wisdom, and joy over temporary pleasure. They challenge us to see the world through the lens of eternity and to find meaning and purpose in every moment, no matter how ordinary or difficult it may seem.
So, as we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember the wisdom of these spiritual masters. Let us choose the narrow path that leads to life, and let us surrender to God's will with joy and humility, trusting that He is leading us to a greater fulfillment than we could ever imagine.
I hope you found this episode insightful and inspiring. may you walk in the light of truth and find peace in the embrace of God's love and take that and then go out and convert someone. Good day!

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