Dr Scott Hankenson: My Own Children Are Vaccine Injured

1 year ago

Dr Scott Hankenson is an obstetrician-gynaecologist in the USA. Driving to work the other day he made this video, pondering on what his life would have been like had his children not experienced injuries from childhood vaccination. As with so many of us, he has woken up to the fact that we are being injured en masse by an industry whose role is purportedly to sustain health, but which in fact profits from illness and relies on society accepting illness as the norm, not the exception. They built an "anti vax" narrative which ensures those recognising a problem with their potions are dismissed and denigrated.

Immune suppression leading to infections, auto immune diseases, cancer, neurodevelopmental issues and more have been increasing exponentially over the past four decades due to this industry taking hold. "Nobody in the generations before us had these problems". He references the book "Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak" by Dr Brian Hooker.

Dr Hankenson recently started his own YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@Wholefoodshealth

VIDEO SOURCE: https://twitter.com/DrSHankMD/status/1757788137038729522

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