Dog Makes Dramatic Point To Say He Didn't Make The Mess

6 years ago

We all love them to bits. Our dogs are part of our families, equal members with equal rights, who sometimes get the beneficial treatment, because that is how much we love them!

They can’t stand to be without us, so when we have to leave them alone for a while, whether it is for the 8 hour workday or a quick stop to the bathroom, they can get ballistic. Where is the human? How can they leave me like this?! Cue the panic attacks.

Panic can be really tough, especially when you are a dog that doesn’t understand a thing of what is going on around him. Naturally, you will look for something to soothe yourself, like jumping in your owner’s bed, because it still smells of them, or shoot straight for the bathroom to grab the toilet paper roll, because it is soft and fluffy and it makes you feel good when you roll it around.

But when we come back and see the trail of toilet paper the dog left behind, the first thing that comes to mind if to scold them for the mess the did. What does a dog do? They throw their puppy dog eyes, the ones we just can’t say mean words to. If that doesn’t work, then they work the drama, just like this Australian Shepherd did.

When Kacie found her Australian Shepherd dog all wrapped up in toilet paper, with bit laying around, she knew the pooch got himself into a panic attack. But the look she gets shot with says it all. “You don’t think it was me who did this, do ya?”

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