Solstice Ceremony, Healing & Activation (Recorded LIVE - December 21, 2020)

1 year ago

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This is a re-play of our solstice ceremony presented live from Costa Rica at 11:11 CST December 21, 2020!

The word Solstice means “The world stands still”. It represents the Rebirth of the Sun and “New Beginnings”. As the longest night or darkest day of the year, it is a powerful moment where we are reminded to connect to the Light within us. This is more difficult to do when we don’t see the Light reflected back to us by the outside world.

On this auspicious day, we come together to honor, to celebrate, in ceremony and meditation, and re-ignite the light within!

This is truly a time of death and rebirth for our entire Collective. Our world is going through a major metamorphosis at this time as we shed the old skin of all the dysfunctional systems that are collapsing all around us.

Although things may seem dark and gloomy, remember that it is darkest before dawn.

A new dawn is arising - the age of Aquarius.
The age of LIGHT.
A new paradigm that will usher humanity into an age of peace and prosperity for all.

This year’s solstice has an extra sparkle: Jupiter and Saturn will appear closer to one another on December 21st than they have since the Middle Ages. This powerful and very rare astrological configuration will assist with the energetic recalibration of our Planet and will amplify the shedding of any misaligned energies.

This is a time of MAJOR upgrades where lots of Ascension codes will be sent to humanity, and all we have to do is to create the intention with open-hearts to receive these cosmic gifts. Prepare for some major light body upgrades as we step through this Galactic portal.

This is a free event and everyone is invited. Feel free to share and extend this invitation to those you feel are meant to be here.

Love and blessings,

EldoRa & Siman

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