Suspicion Surrounds Angela Chao's Mysterious Death

5 months ago

02/16/2024 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: Angela Chao's mysterious death, initially reported by CCP propaganda media, Caixin as a fatal car accident. Subsequent U.S. media reports claim she drowned in a Tesla on private Texas ranch property. Given her relationship with Elaine Chao and her husband’s recent pledge to stop investing in China, the possibility of CCP’s involvement cannot be ruled out.
02/16/2024 妮可做客The John Fredericks Show: 赵安吉的离奇死亡最初被中共宣传媒体财新网报道为致命车祸。随后的美国媒体报道称,她在德克萨斯州私人牧场的一辆特斯拉车内溺水身亡。鉴于她和赵小兰的关系和最近她丈夫承诺停止投资中共国,不排除中共参与此事的可能性。

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