Lady Hamilton Podcast Promo 2

4 months ago

This video for Rumble's Lady Hamilton Podcast was exclusively created on my phone device during my strictly during break times at work. While my home computer was entirely unusable during a major home project that I have been working on during the day and afternoon prior to working fully time work at my job. I wish video creating was my only real paying job. But if that were the case, I wouldn't be on the computer anyways due to repairing my house.
Part 1 & Part 2 of this Introduction Video Voice Over Credit: JJRsvl (I can do different voices because I have a face for RADIO as it were.
please watch the Podcast w/ Lady Hamilton. #STRIVE #ACHIEVE #MOTIVATE #INSPIRE. New Podcast Schedule (Sat & Sunday 7pm Est /4pm Pst).

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