Systematic Abuse Of Prisoners

7 months ago

We Live In A Society That Just Has Various Levels Of Slavery. If You Try To Be Truly Free. They Will Put You At The Bottom In These Places They Have For That. As Long As You Follow The Rules You Can Live In The Open Air Prison And Make More Money For Them To Take. In Prisons You Have Levels Of Security Which Grant More Privileges. Super Max, Max, Medium & Minimum. The Lower Security, The More You Get To Work. Till They Let You Back Out In The Open Air Prison If You Prove You Can Obey, Follow The Rules And Stay In Your Lane. This Is The Way It Has Always Been. You Have Always Lived In A Police State That Profits From Your Oppression. No Matter What Level. This Is Why "Non-Person" Crimes Were Invented & Propagated.
To Feed This Machine. The Machine Doesn't Care What Color Your Skin Is Either. Contrary To Many Peoples Belief. Do Racist Elements Exits Within It. Yes, Because Those Type Of People Created The System And Gravitate To It. You See Them In Action In Palestine Right Now. Same People. They Can't Live & Let Live. They Are Vampires. They Must Dominate & Control In Order To Feed.

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