Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who organized anti-government,

3 months ago

demonstrations and was a prominent critic of President Putin, has died in prison at the age of 47.
About the photo:
The death of Navalny, is, first and foremost, an attempt to dispel the positivity towards Russia that Tucker Carlson began to create and seemed intent on continuing to create. Judging by the number of posts and videos about Tucker's trip to Russia, his interview with President Putin, his visit to a supermarket, etc., the process of portraying Russia in a positive light began to take on an avalanche-like character. It's evident that Navalny's death is a bold attempt to stop this. Highly likely, there will be other attempts. Be watchful!
The anticipated death of Navalny has consistently served as a potent weapon in the arsenal of anti-Russian propaganda. It was inevitable that Navalny foresaw the deployment of this weapon against Russia. Remember his deliberate return to Russia, fully cognizant of the looming threat of imprisonment? Recall the widespread admiration for his supposed bravery? In truth, he was merely fighting to prolong his existence. He likely assumed that within the confines of a Russian prison, it would prove arduous for those plotting his demise to execute their plans—a fallacious belief akin to the delusions of mobsters seeking sanctuary from retribution behind bars. Yet, Navalny's mistake was brutally exposed; they killed him even within those walls. Today, from Biden to every mainstream media outlet, the death-of-Navalny narrative is being ruthlessly exploited to vilify Russia.
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