JFK Assassination Conspiracy Documentary | Best Evidence New 2016 [Matthew North Series]

1 year ago

Matthew North was a young independent researcher, YouTube content creator, and all around good guy who exposed many people, subjects and governments. Probably the best researcher I've come across. His most popular works include exposure of CIA/Pentagon agents, shills, and covert operations, including Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump and Elon Musk, just to name a few.

About 3-4 years ago, Matthew North stopped uploading and posting online and never had given a reason why. There have been a few theories with one person saying he was to meet up with Matthew and heard from relatives that he committed suicide in his car with a gun shot to the head but there has been no proof, evidence or confirmation about where he is and what happened to him.

I'll start to post his videos because they are really fascinating and enlightening and I think his work is important enough for it to be available for everyone to access. Some of the videos are not his own work but were important enough for him to upload. Enjoy.


WARNING: Bitchute seems to have restricted me from uploading my videos sometimes. Also, Rumble "indefinitely suspended" my original account. Please subscribe here and to my other channels listed below on other more... respectable platforms. Thanks.

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CreeperStatus, #Creeper-Status, Creeper, Status, #ceasefirenow, documentary, documentaries, movie, movies, film, show, series, Matthew North, JFK, Conspiracy, Assassination,

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