2/16/24 Overcoming Unbelief, Fear! ❤️

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Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion:
Seeking God’s Guidance and Walking in His Promises!
One of my favourite stories is about the Spies who were sent to explore The Promised Land!
See Numbers 13 and 14…
We know that the Story tells us that despite seeing and tasting of the abundance and fruitfulness in the land, ten of the spies came back with a negative report, their hearts filled with unbelief and fear.
Ten of the twelve chose to focus on the challenges and obstacles they saw, rather than trusting in God’s Promise that they could possess and occupy the land!
The size of the giants overshadowed the size of their God!
Declare : I will have eyes to see in a new way in the days ahead!
Ask The Holy Spirit to remove from in the midst of you the spirit of unbelief and fear from your life.
Often times powerful Demonic Spirits will be assigned to our lives to try and stop us from stepping into the fullness of what God has promised, and to hinder us from taking possession of our allotted Inheritance!
Give the devil no room! Take the time to examine any broken relationships with leaders, friends or family members.
Deal quickly with unresolved conflicts or misunderstandings that can breed mistrust, hinder Unity and give Satan a legal right to traffic in different areas of your life…
Open your heart. Pray for healing and reconciliation, seeking forgiveness from God and then extend Grace and Mercy where it’s needed towards others.
Ask God to break any destructive cycles of anger, bitterness, rebellion and even wrong reactions in your life!
Sometimes, unbelief and fear can manifest in anger and wrong responses towards others.
Totally Surrender your emotions to the Control of The Holy Spirit and ask Him to transform your emotions into love, patience, and forgiveness.
Declare : I have different Spirit,..an Overcoming Spirit like Joshua and Caleb. I will not focus on the size of the giants that try to come against the manifestation of my Promise — but I will keep my eyes fixed on Jesus — the Author and Finisher of my Faith!
And Despite the negative report of the other spies, we know that Joshua and Caleb remained steadfast in their Trust in God.
They declared that the people were well able to overcome any challenges because God was with them.
Beloved, speak words of Faith and Courage over your circumstances, declaring God’s Truth and Promises…
Overcoming unbelief, fear, and rebellion is a journey that requires daily surrender and dependence on God.
As you read His Word, pray, and seek His Guidance, He will give you the strength and faith to overcome these obstacles and walk in the fullness of His promises.
Trust in His leading and keep pressing forward, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His Plans for your life!
LORD, You are the lifter of my head when I am down, You strengthen me when I am weak.
You are the Keeper of my soul…and Your Eyes are ever upon me.
Even when there are giants in my promise land that threaten to consume me or to distract me from the Destiny and Inheritance You have prepared for me — I will not Fear!
For I know that You are greater than he that is in the world and nothing You have spoken over me will return to You void.
You will bring to completion those things that You have begun in me — giants, or no giants,…
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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