Extreme Weather Operations, United States Atmospheric River in California

4 months ago

I just Need Everyone to Realize, Why I Am Here! Truly Breaks My Heart to See what is Happening & No One around Me, Realizes it, YET! I just want You All to know, I'm not having any kind of Fun, making these Videos! It literally makes Me Sick to My Stomach by having even to look at the Satellites Today(because I Know We are being Poisoned)! I have never been apart of, Watching Movies, TV Shows or these Social Media Platforms! The the Movies I Watch, was the Milky Way Galaxy Dancing in the Night Sky! Incredible Meteor Shower, Sunrises, Sunsets, Moon Rises & Sets, Tornadoes, Lightning Storms, like No One's ever Dreamed of being out in a Boat! BUT, Now all of that is Gone! I can No Longer See the Milky Way because the Chemical Film, Filtering of Our Sky! But Worst of all, We have Lost almost all Marketable Fish Species in Florida that We fish for, for a living! I am here to Fight for Our Survival! I have Never been Able to be Hypnotized by these Lunatics! Help Us, Organize & Fight these Lunatics! So WE can get OUR Beautiful Sky Back! Thank You, for Anyone that is still Reading My Message! It's Really Important for all of Us to Realize, What has been done Here! Commercial Fisherman, Standing By! We Must Unite & Fight!🆘👇🫵🙏🆘 https://www.givesendgo.com/GBNU1

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