Episode 017 - Regina Watteel

1 year ago

Regina Watteel is a mother, a former federal candidate for the People’s Party of Canada, holds a PhD in Statistics, and is the author of Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science. In today’s episode, we chart her path from an average citizen one day, to a marginalized member of society the next day, and her struggle to fight for her country. Seeing scientists like David Fisman present highly questionable models to the Canadian legislature, Ms. Watteel decided to put her scientific expertise to use and educate her legislators. When that didn’t work, she went to the funding bodies that funed Dr. Fisman’s work. When that didn’t work, she tried to file charges through the Ontario Provincial Police. When they refused to do that, she decided to run for the People’s Party of Canada. After that, she finally decided to write a book exposing what she believes to be fraudalent modeling from Dr. Fisman, in hopes that it would, one day, lead to criminal convictions.
Regina's Twitter @ReginaWatteel

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