The Old Testament, The Prophets & The Book of Revelation | Introduction Part IV

1 year ago

In our fourth introductory session on the book of Revelation we will be examining how John uses the Old Testament.

Revelation is famous for its extensive Old Testament quotations and allusions. John goes so far as to use irregular Greek grammar to make sure we don’t miss the Old Testament passage he has in mind.

Scholars also point out the Jewishness of the book. It is so obviously Jewish, especially from chapters 4 and on, that one scholar has suggested that 4-11 was written by John the Baptist. And a few have suggested that the book was originally written in either Hebrew or Aramaic.

There is debate as to whether Daniel or Ezekiel influenced John the most.

Other scholars emphasize, variously, Isaiah, Exodus, and Zechariah as being models for Revelation.

In addition to John’s direct use of the OT, he also develops important OT themes throughout Revelation, including holy war and the day of Yahweh.

We will discuss these issues and more!

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