France Betrays America and Britain

1 year ago

Why does France hate America and Britain? Discover the biblical and historical proof that France will soon betray its World War allies.


On the surface, French hostility toward America and Britain makes no sense. French love for Germany is also baffling, considering how Germany conquered France in World War 2. Why would France abandon allies in favor of a mortal foe? To truly understand the volatile nation of France today, we must dig deeper into history and crack open the Holy Bible.

Request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy to uncover a dark spiritual dimension in Europe. For centuries, a great false church has steered six resurrections of a terrifying European superpower. The fifth resurrection of this Holy Roman Empire featured the French emperor Napoleon.

Study The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy to learn about the six emperors past, and the final emperor prophesied to emerge on the world scene very soon. Expose the violent global ambitions of the devil’s counterfeit church.

The shocking historical link between France and the Holy Roman Empire is proof that France is about to side with Germany—and betray America and Britain!

Also request our free reprint articles “France in Bible Prophecy” and “France Rejects America—and Empowers Germany!” Your Bible has a lot to say about the nation of France. You can know its national characteristics by studying its biblical patriarch: Reuben. You can discern French motivations and ambitions by searching history and prophecy. And you can understand the major role France will play in end-time world events leading directly to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The future of France dramatically affects all mankind.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy, “France in Bible Prophecy,” and “France Rejects America—and Empowers Germany!” Order now!

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