February 16, 2024

1 year ago

From: Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes

You Are Not A Conspiracy Theorist For Noticing Hidden In Plain Sight Symbolism, These Companies Really Are Evil

Google named their graphics processor Adreno

Google’s web browser is Chome

Together - Andrenochrome

It’s right in front of your face & people still can’t see it. You’re not crazy.

“So do you know what Google named their graphic processor? My answer will shock you. Google's graphic processor is called Adreno. And Google's main web browser page is called Chrome. Google Adreno and Google Chrome.

And do you know what? The worst thing about it is even with this information, people chew still choose to be asleep and choose to ignore it. They don't wanna know the truth. They're too scared of the truth. But the truth is, these big organisations, these big celebrities, they're evil.

Just pure evil.”

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