A Chat With The Korean Punk Band 18 Fevers

4 months ago

18Fevers is a four-piece death punk disco band from Seoul, Korea. 18Fevers has existed since 2021 and has established themselves as one of the top Korean punk bands while completing a tour in the UK along side Rumkicks with a slot at Rebellion Festival in 2023. 18Fevers will be heading to Japan and other parts of Asia in the near future with another UK tour and Rebellion appearance slotted for 2024. Known for their chaotic live shows full of blood, sweat, and alcohol fueled noise, 18Fevers is uncompromising and confrontational. They tackle social issues in modern capitalist societies in Korea and abroad, promote feminism and LGBTQ rights, attack anyone who thinks they can go after the little people in society, and believe punk rock is a community that should be inclusive to all.

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