State of mind Alex Jones 2013 The boiling frog analogy

1 year ago

everyone needs to find out and really think about it what is going too far, because all of this is happening so fast, you need to be ahead of the game, they're ahead of the game.
humans subjugate themselves to control, because they're born into it, and the tyrants and the social engineers know how to incrementally begin to slowly ratchet up the manipulation, the domination, the oppression, so that people never really recognize it coming. it's the old analogy of the frog in the boiling pot: you throw a frog into a boiling pot - folks in Louisiana tell you this - a bullfrog, he'll jump out, but if you put him in a cold pot, turn it on simmer, heat it up slow, he'll boil and he'll never see it coming.

State of mind, 2013 - The boiling frog analogy

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