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Be The Change

1 year ago

Whoever the man is in the video, he has wisdom.

I have lost count at the people I have met over the last 4 years who simply do not give a sh1t, they do not care, they have zero desire to learn about what's happening. They have the attention span of a fly, easily distracted by the bread and circus, consumed by working hard to impressed a boss who doesn't give a sh1t, so consumed by earning money yet unaware that they are bonded slaves. The hylics just continue to do what they have always done, believing their tell-a-vision and seeking and getting their confirmation bias from other brainwashed sheeple. We cannot wake them up, we can only awaken the sleeping lions. I have said to many of these people who are so dumbed-down "when you become a grandfather, what will you said to your grandchildren when they ask you what you did during WW3 and the destruction of the matrix, the cabal, and evil?"....will you say " err well to be honest I did fuck all except ridicule those sticking their necks out to save us, wore three face-masks, had two dozen covid jabs, and a few dozen pharaoh slave sticks rammed up my nose and spent my hours watching telly" ....NOT ONE replied with concern. This is why the events have to take place. I wish everyone well.


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