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Private Cancer Care/Jabs Gets A Royal Promotion - UK Column News

11 months ago

Private Cancer Care/Jabs Gets A Royal Promotion
Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-14th-february-2024
- Sky News (YouTube): King Charles expresses 'heartfelt thanks' to public in first message since cancer diagnosis
- Guardian: Surge in UK cancer patients going private revealed as King Charles starts treatment
- Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: Why the UK Government Must Act Urgently to Become a Global Leader in Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatment
- 5 News (YouTube 2023): BioNTech to start cancer vaccine trials in the UK from September
- WEF (2022): FIRST Cancer Care: Leveraging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies for cancer care
- The World Economic Forum: What is the UN Summit of the Future in 2024?
- Cancer Research UK: Early Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer Roadmap
- Queen Mary University of London: Cancer Behavioural Science Group
- UCL: Behavioural Science and Early Diagnosis of Cancer Group
- University College London: Christian Von Wagner Profile
“Prof Christian von Wagner is Programme lead of the UCL MSc Health psychology and has a long standing research interest in behavioural approaches early diagnosis of colorectal cancer”
- King's College London: Cancer Behavioural Science Unit
- The House of Commons Library: Cancer statistics for England
- UK Column Article (2022): NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur?
- GOV.UK: Children and Young People Cancer Taskforce launched to save lives

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