Kansas City Parade Tragedy Exposes America’s Hostility Toward the Source of Our Freedom | Ep 620

1 year ago

The tragic shooting at Kansas City’s Super Bowl parade quickly became a political issue with the usual suspects in sports media re-heating their stale and uninformed takes on gun violence throughout the social media sphere. It was yet another occasion that highlighted the divide in America between those who believe our freedoms are ordained of God and those who bow at the altar of government. People disconnected from a biblical worldview will draw the wrong conclusions from Wednesday’s tragedy. They’ll blame guns. Or they’ll blame skin color. They’ll do so out of sincere ignorance or a desire to overturn our founding principles. Our Constitution does not properly govern a secular society, aka a mass of people who reject God as the source of freedom and every other essential need. The gun protects the rights that God gave us. You don’t have to like guns, but it’s important that you understand why they’re necessary on this earth. Your God-given rights depend on the Second Amendment. Whitlock unpacks his thoughts on the sad events that played out in his former home away from hometown. “Fearless” solider Dave Shannon joins the program to add his perspective to the conversation.

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00:00 Your source of freedom determines your perspective on Super Bowl parade tragedy
06:00 Kansas City Shooting
07:39 The U.S. Constitution only works for moral people
11:35 Importance of 2nd Amendment
14:06 MLK & Karl Marx's bad influence
17:05 Defining your power source
25:44 Removing bible teaching from schools?
28:00 RGIII tweet reaction
31:16 Believers are eternally saved
44:45 Taylor Twellman Tweet
52:44 The destruction of family makes children weak
55:48 Marxism is evil
1:03:01 Jemele Hill Tweet
1:03:42 People control, not gun control
1:06:23 Mina Kimes Tweet
1:16:32 Dave Shannon joins Fearless
1:26:53 Families lack faith in God

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