Check If A String Is A Palindrome in Python

1 year ago

Function Definition:
is_palindrome is a recursive function that checks whether a given string s is a palindrome.
String Conversion:
s = s.lower() converts the input string to lowercase. This ensures case-insensitive comparison.
Base Case:
The base case checks if the length of the modified string s is 1 or less.
If true, it means the string is a palindrome (or an empty string), and the function returns True.
Recursive Case:
If the length of the string is greater than 1, it checks if the first and last characters of the string are equal (s[0] == s[-1]).
If true, it calls itself recursively with the substring excluding the first and last characters (is_palindrome(s[1:-1])).
Returning Results:
If any recursive call or the base case returns False, the function returns False.
If all recursive calls and the base case return True, the function returns True.
The code then applies the is_palindrome function to the string "radar".
The result is printed, indicating whether "radar" is a palindrome.
Running this code will output True, indicating that "radar" is indeed a palindrome.
This function efficiently checks for palindromes in a case-insensitive manner, making it suitable for various scenarios where case sensitivity is not required.

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