What if alleged child predator Jimmy Kimmel treated himself like he treated Roy Moore?

1 year ago

What if alleged child predator Jimmy Kimmel treated himself like he treated Roy Moore?

Recently, the Salty Cracker uploaded a video featuring https://rumble.com/v44t3i6-jimmy-kimmel-threatens-to-sue-aaron-rogers-for-calling-him-a-p3do.html Cuck Dhimmi Kibble, I mean Jimmy Kimmel having an autistic fit over Aaron Rodgers stating that Cuck Kimmel was associated allegedly w/ some of Jeffrey Epstein’s enablers who had an affinity for kids.

I did a video many months prior to that which also featured Jimmy Kimmel getting angry over Aaron Rodgers https://rumble.com/v2c1hty-dave-rubin-humiliates-beta-male-jimmy-kimmel-vis-vis-jeffrey-epstein.html suggesting that a list (and this time, Rodgers did NOT mention Cuck Kimmel) exposing all of Epstein’s enablers would be made public soon.

Kimmel seemed irritated that a list exposing people who had sex w/ children, raped children & molested them would be made public. Why would Jimmy Kimmel be angry over that becoming public? Seems odd, unless you want to defend those people or you’re worried about something?

Anyways, Aaron Rodgers suggested that Kimmel has ties to some of Epstein’s enablers, some of Epstein’s associates. Even if someone never met Epstein, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t be culpable. Kimmel apparently thinks because he allegedly never met Epstein, he’s in the clear.

What if Dhimmi Kibbel treated himself like he treated Roy Moore? What would that look like?

It would look like this, “Jimmy, I am going to interrupt your show just like you enjoy interrupting others & I am going to march on stage w/ a few preteen boys wearing shirts that say, ‘I was groped by Jeffrey Epstein & his friends.’ On the shirt will be a picture of Jeffrey Epstein & his close, personal alleged friend Jimmy Kimmel. Now Jimmy Kimmel claims to be a Christian, but molesting children on Epstein Island allegedly, is not very Christian.” Jimmy, what do your wife & kids think of this? Has their opinion of you waned? Are your children not wanting any alone time w/ daddy anymore?

In closing, all the allegations against Roy Moore were fallacious, https://rumble.com/v1g1qwv-divorcee-sam-seder-and-david-miss-pakman-owe-roy-moore-an-apology.html just as all the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh were B.S., just like all the allegations against Herman Cain were horse manure too.

When Roy Moore lost that Senate special election, oddly – all his accusers quit making those allegations. If Roy Moore did what they said he did, he should probably be in prison. But he did not do it, because those allegations were made at a specific time to cost the GOP a Senate seat.

One would think Roy Moore, if those allegations were true, would have been removed from the bench years before this. But the allegations were rubbish & they “popped up” (I hope Jimmy Kimmel doesn't get angry at me using that term lol) just as Roy Moore was poised to win a Senate seat.

Roy Moore also won a defamation case against some of his false accusers, but I doubt alleged child predator Jimmy Kimmel spent any time on that. Jimmy Kimmel, you have been accused of molesting children, that’s not very Christian in my book.

Jimmy Kimmel, did you have a special bungalow on Epstein Island or was it first come, first served? Allegedly. Jimmy Kimmel, how many preteen boys have you allegedly petted? And that’s all she wrote!

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