Shoulder Blade Neck Pain Relief (Deep Myofascial Release & Massage Therapy)

1 year ago

We perform deep tissue mobilization to release muscle spasms and provide pain relief for neck and upper shoulder blade pain on this woman. Active Release is the type of deep myofascial release we provide for our massage therapy.

Want more info?

Option 1: Shoulder Blade On-Demand Webinar
Option 2: 12 Week Video Guide
Option 3 (the best): Work With Us

To work with us, contact us using this link or call us 714-502-4243. We have online programs, virtual and in-person options.
Costa Mesa, CA

If you are dealing with a tightness in your mid-back / shoulder blade / traps area and it's not going away with stretching or massage, check out our audio file on the biggest mistake people make with shoulder pain.

Because we have gotten so many requests for exercises to do for shoulder blade and upper trap pain, we resorted to creating a very affordable guide. What should you do if this test worked for you? You should get this guide and see what else we know: ... or you can come see us in Costa Mesa, CA.

Shoulder blade pain can feel like aches/ spasms of muscles under the shoulder blade are often confused as being muscle knots or trigger points. Shoulder blade pain is treatable with exercise therapy, in combination with manual therapy. Often times resolving in weeks to months, depending upon severity.

As I wrote this article I decided to interview a few people just like you who’ve had shoulder blade pain. They were nice enough to share their stories so we can learn from them.

#NeckPainRelief #ShoulderBlade #california

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