
1 year ago

"It is interesting that we should use magnetism so continously and yet not never ever really understand what it is.

The beginning of the study of Magnetism can be traced back to Egypt. Aslo, we find the Greeks used it, & among the Greeks & early Egyptians, we have the first understanding of the nature of magnetism.

It was used principally in healing.
It was well known to Pythagoras, who gave us considerable information on the subject, which was promptly forgotten by everybody else. Then we would have very little knowledge of it.

We learned from Tel-a-vision, that air transmits. We can have all kinds of programs on the air at the same time, & they can come from all directions, overlap & interlap, but each one will remain separately identified, as though it was moving in a channel or circuit of its own. Something goes through with vibration & this vibration in the Magnetic Field, can be divided into an infinite complexity of seperate emanation. If we had 1000 different channels, they could be differentiated in the MAGnetIC Field, so that each one would be broadcasted correctly & properly for whatever it is.

Thus we realize there's something out there besides the ordinary factors we take into consideration scientifically. We are in the presence of a mysterious agent that is part of everything that we are. Studying magnetism as it comes to the human body is incredibly important..."

God has Elements of Creation ARE important.
They're being weaponized against us.

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