The Chosen One

3 months ago

Lets have a look at the top Truthers:
Charlie Ward – has earnt $400 million since 2019 & now long proven to be an actor
replacing the original ‘Charlie Ward’ who was the ‘Derek Trotter’ of the Luciferian elite
world. Original Charlie is long executed....and everyone watching him knows
please someone tell me why you are still watching him??? Or any show that he is on, oranyone that is on Charlies show???? Its like watching someone with dementia, after
you point out that they are actually drinking soapy dishwater, not tea, they acknowledgeyou, but carry on drinking it like they never even heard you. WHY ARE YOU STILLWATCHING A FICTION? CHARIE WARD IS A COMPLETE FICTION – REAL CHARLIE WASEXECUTED 4 YEARS AGO.
Kerry Cassidy – CIA puppet. Full of shit, and has only interviewed about 3 people who
are telling the truth, EVER. We have to thank her for interviewing William Thompkins,
though. Poor cunts dead now, so Kerry, sweet bruv, well played. But you can fuk-off
now luv stick your ‘black goo’ up your arse.
Simon Parkes – Parents were MI6......hes probably already executed and who ‘we’
know as Simon Parks is just another actor like we see with Phill Godlewski. So why
watch these fools?
Phil Godlewski – Earnt $50 million since 2019 with his ‘efforts’ – Phill was a nonce, hes
also executed and being played by an actor.
‘Dean-G-Code’ lol – Earnt $350 Million from lying & sounds like a cartoon character,
like Emler Fudd, probably looks like a caricature of himself and is absolutely FULL OF
SHIT. Hiding behind a husky image onscreen and steeping-himself in ET lore and the
occult, was given accurate D.U.M.B info by the white-hats to get him started in the

Great Awakening....and went rouge with it – fame and fortune accessed his ‘God-
fearing’ façade’s security system, and the Whitehat’s cut him off from his info source,

so like EVERYONE else he had no choice but to start making-shit-up to keep the beast
alive, the beast being his bank account and popularity. Blessing each page of his
website with the longest ‘prayer’ to God you have ever heard of in your fukin life,
bolstering his humility-appeal 10-fold. Gene, bless him said the earths a globe because
he saw it when he died for 20 minutes and hung-out with God......Sooooooo, bye Dean,
sorry to see you go bruv but at least you earnt $350 Million in 4 years......quickly spend it
before you get to the FEMA camp. He don’t want you seeing his face as he don’t want
anyone approaching his $100 million yacht moored in Cancoon, and working out who
owns it.
SG Annon – I like him a lot. Hes no way a member of the fukin way. NO
MEMBER of the public can do and know what he knows. The whitehats made it look like
hes a member of the public, as they need that info coming out to the masses......they
even got him to discuss Flat Earth!!!😊SG Annon is clearly a white-hat install. He
doesn’t charge a penny for his info and it is more accurate & relevant info than the

military themselves have. Verdict: Good Guy😊
Derek Johnson – I like him a lot for the same reasons as SG Annon & hes a Next-levelmilitary expert probably put there by the white-hats to look like a member of the publicfor the same reason as SG, the people need to know what to look for, and these two arethe only 2 people helping you work it out, by the look of it.😊
Their info suggests that they are install’s for the masses. I haven’t listened to any of
them ,good or bad, since September 2022. I don’t need to watch anyone since
discovering Christian – he’s here for a reason that doesn’t involve himself, that’s
blatantly obvious even to a small child. The info resonates as Crystal-Clear in its
obviousness when fully constructed – a flawed theory, or made-up situation can not
be projected back, or forward in time because it falls apart in its own timeframe
let-alone any other.
Are there any more truthers out there? Micheal Jako? the CIA guy - you don’t have an
‘Ex’ CIA operative, they don’t exist, if you were in the CIA you are always in the CIA, itsnot your choice. All that super soldier shit is all bollox. Supersoldiers exist but they areHybrids, not reptilian hybrids, but positive ET creations for the front-line in conflicts likethe one we just got saved from – The real super soldiers are not, JasonRice, Randy Cramer etc etc....ALL BULLSHIT.
Nik V? nice geazer probably just swept along with the QFS and new studio? Poor bloke.
Jason Q? “1 is 9 - 4 is 6 - 2 is 11 - 11 is 4 - 9 is 5 – 2 is1 – 19 is 20 and that’s the twin
temples....there you have it & I don’t see why no one cant see it?”....... m8, go back to
your bedsit, you fukin joker.

Christian21 a brief synopsis part 20

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