The ancient library of Tibet contains 84,000 manuscripts, including more than,

4 months ago

1,000 years of human history.
It is 60 meters long and 10 meters high. Allegedly, only about 5% of the manuscripts in the library have been translated, and 0.6% have been made public.
And now imagine what kind of knowledge could be stored there!
About the photo:
The Underground Mysterious City of Derinkuyu.
The "deep well city" goes underground for 65 meters, touching groundwater.
On each tier there is a huge system of ramified passages and labyrinths, which allowed the inhabitants to establish a life with minimal dependence on the external environment.
There were living quarters for 20 thousand people, halls for meetings, schools and chambers for religious studies, churches, and also various warehouses and storehouses with large stocks of food, weapon's arsenals. The underground city even had its own production - presses for pressing oil. There were premises under stables where sheep, cows and horses were kept.
The city was designed so that locals could easily navigate it, while outsiders, on the contrary, were confused. No one still knows what made the locals build this structure.
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ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
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