Are Doctors and Hospitals Saving Us or Killing Us

1 year ago

Do you have a health problem. Are you suffering from an illness and your doctor is not listening. Have you had bad hospital care. Are your medical bills and insurance premiums out of control. Is it impossible to get an appointment with a specialist or schedule an MRI. You are not alone. There is a healthcare crisis in the United States. Patients complain about things like being lost in the shuffle and lost in a myriad of healthcare system complications. Poor hospital and doctor care. Skyrocketing costs. Lack of services. Healthcare providers not being there for you. Why is that and what is wrong with our broken healthcare system. This is reporter David Nazar and we have a brutally honest and uncensored discussion with two leading California doctors. Dr. Cory Waldman and Dr. Ilan Shapiro. And I also interview Elizabeth Espinosa who is a well known news reporter. Elizabeth shares her emotional story about taking care of her ailing parents and brother.

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