Majestic Sight Of Pink Roll Clouds Painting The Bright Skies

7 years ago

An incredible footage has emerged of majestic pink clouds spreading across the bright skies. This astonishing phenomenon was captured on camera on February 5, 2018 in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Nature needs no filter!

Footage shows a pink glow lighting up the bright blue clouds on the sky, making for an incredible sight! Watching this magical roll tube floating through the sky, changing colors is the perfect definition of the mother nature. The skies have always amazed us but this rare sight has definitely warmed our hearts, and right for the upcoming celebration of Saint Valentine’s day!

The beautiful footage of a pink roll cloud painting spread across the sky put a spell on us at first sight! The video features the rare cloud formation tinged with a pink hue after a powerful thunderstorm hit the region. This roll cloud in front of a cold front is called a morning glory, and is truly glorious!

Pink skies could be seen on the Virginian sky that immediately send us to wonderland, dreaming. Watching the pink sky stretching across the skyline above, is truly a magical experience. Mother nature has the ability to leave us in awe with her endless wonders that lit up our lives.

There are many quotes about mother nature, but in this regard we would like to link the following “In favourable conditions nature is a blessed mother. When she does our bidding she is glorious and we soak her in like a drug. We bask in the new greenness of spring, the heat of a sultry summer and the brilliant shades of fall. Yet when she blows a hurricane, sends a tsunami or shakes the ground she is cruel. But perhaps what we like least is the reminder that nature is not there for us, the world is not a gift to humanity. We are creatures of nature, just the same as any other, only with a few more toys and a bigger ego.”

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