Attorney Ashleigh Merchant Explaining How She's Going To Level Fani Willis Is Straight-Fire

5 months ago

Watching Fani Willis trying to worm her way out of the mess she created (because she did create it) in Georgia has been highly entertaining. Especially with all of the 'legal' attempts to keep the truth from coming out. Luckily, Michael Roman has an attorney who is ready to take Willis and her boyfriend down. Enter Ashleigh Merchant. In Georgia: Michael Roman's attorney, Ashley Merchant, says their witness will testify to a personal relationship between Fani Willis and Nathan Wade, which commenced as far back as October 2019.

Ruh-roh. Almost as if all of this was politically and personally motivated. Say it ain't so. Side note, we do feel for the witness who has said she will provide proof of a relationship between Willis and Wade as far back as 2019. But huzzah at the same time! Fani is all dialed in for some well deserved scrutiny. She wanted to be famous so we can oblige. Hall of shame has some openings. This is what she wanted, yes? Ok, so she probably didn't want to get caught hiring her boyfriend to go after Trump when he has zero experience with cases like that and oH YEAH, using taxpayer money to pay him. But still, now she's famous. Lucky her.

• More at: Twitchy - And Here We GO! Atty. Ashleigh Merchant Explaining How She's Going to LEVEL Fani Willis Is Straight-FIRE
Twitchy: 'This Is Getting BAD for Willis': Techno Fog Breaks Down Just How DAMNING Witness Testimony Is
Rumble: Turns Out, Fani Willis, Who's Trying To Prosecute Trump, Is The Real Criminal After All

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