Report: South Dakota County Votes To Hand Count 2024 Pimary

5 months ago

Fall River
Thursday Feb. 15, 2024

Hand Counting Debate
Court House, 2nd Floor

Agenda. 10.15 AM Mountain

South Dakota County Votes To Hand Count 2024 Pimary

***Important Testimony from SB 213 for Cast Vote Records. This a 2nd bill similar to SB 48, which was recommended by SOS Johnson for CVRs

1.Rick Weible Powerpoint, South Dakota tabulating machines are violating State and Federal Standards

2. SB 213

4. SB 48, SOS recommended

***Also Important, Minnehaha County Auditor (Sioux Falls), Leah Anderson
1. Checked the CVRs for her county
2. There were 81 “over votes” for District 25, Seantor Pischke’s racel, not detected by the Tabulators
3. Other races had “over votes” from 1 to 12 votes per race.
- SB 213 Testimony

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