SSTM: Scripture Set To Music: Acts 11: 25-26; 13:2-12 Saul ​— ​also called Paul (Antioch)

10 months ago

Acts 11: 25-26; 13:2-12 scripture directly, word for word, out of the CSB bible being presented as a rap song.
music - (such an amazing tool...this hasn't changed but lets have a chat about why Act 13:1 in not included in the song...suno decided i was attempting to have it cover a copyrighted song...Acts it's me and I am gonna drop it right here

Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, a close friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

SO it is still here and anyone reading this can see how weird suno is sometimes..
Video and Thumbnail - (the more I use this the more impressive it is)

Also yes I know I jumped over 11: 27-30; 12:24-25 they helped with famine relief

Acts 11:27-30 (CSB)
27 In those days some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 One of them, named Agabus, stood up and predicted by the Spirit that there would be a severe famine throughout the Roman world. This took place during the reign of Claudius. 29 Each of the disciples, according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brothers and sisters who lived in Judea. 30 They did this, sending it to the elders by means of Barnabas and Saul.

Acts 12:24-25 (CSB)
But the word of God spread and multiplied. 25 After they had completed their relief mission, Barnabas and Saul returned to Jerusalem, taking along John who was called Mark.

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