TheDimStream LIVE! An Affair to Remember, 1957 | Sleepless in Seattle, 1993 | Valentine's Day, 2010

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 10 ET!
-An Affair to Remember (1957)
-Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
-Valentine's Day (2010)


thrasybulus @BigDigEnergy started before @AlexNeedsToLearnATrade & @HoboEater could get their act together tonight.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh I get it. Big "Dig" Energy. Hahaha Penis.
I have it on good authority that the best part of An Affair to Remember is that it has most of the same 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 as An Affair to Remember. (That's info good to know if you're a fan of either one!)

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly smiles, talks to possible new Discord members: "Hey it's a friendly place. No one will mock you when you make a mistake, and people rarely argue. Oh and the memes are not questionable at all."
I'd identify as French but I don't want them putting chemicals in the water turning me gay.

JQuickDraw Supporter Mega-Cup spotted

JQuickDraw Supporter "I could really go for a million dollars. No pressure, I'm just talking."

Qriist Supporter Is it really playing devil's advocate when you're the devil? (Relevant since you're a̶ w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ the devil.)

JQuickDraw Supporter shots fired

Qriist Supporter and he's super autistic

Qriist Supporter You know, Jeffery Epstein also had a breeding program. 🤔

JQuickDraw Supporter So he's the richest man in the world and gets a lot of sex. You don't say.

Qriist Supporter I'm starting a petition to put Beverly in Musk's breeding program. Get that bag gurl. 💅

Guyinroom83 black guy?

Guyinroom83 people didn't know for sure she was nuts yet then

Guyinroom83 how did corey get to alex's that quick

TunedToKey Howdy

JQuickDraw Supporter Can you rub your dick on crazy, just a little?

TunedToKey Lol

TunedToKey What did I walk in on?

Qriist Supporter The tip of Elon's love life.

Guyinroom83 i never thought she was as hot as people acted

TunedToKey Amber Turd is mid

JQuickDraw Supporter Elon's penis is known in the rich people circles as "The Spear of Destiny."

TunedToKey Margot Robbie is hotter

TunedToKey We need to bring back public shaming for people that wear pjs out

Guyinroom83 i could actually see elon naming his penis. he definitely has

JQuickDraw Supporter You know who looked good after she stopped with the Steve Jobs impression? The Theranos chick, Elizabeth Holmes.

Qriist Supporter nah

Guyinroom83 rumor has it elon installed a cybernetic penis

TunedToKey No

JQuickDraw Supporter No, sadly. I feel that I missed an opportunity when I was younger.

Guyinroom83 no. if i did, it would be sarcastic as a joke. but then, that would turn into just calling it that out of habit un sarcastically

Qriist Supporter Lesson learned: Beverly does not want to stick her dick in that crazy.

TunedToKey Lolol

Guyinroom83 she's unattractive. nothing about her is good looking

Guyinroom83 she looks like a zuckerberg clone

JQuickDraw Supporter Damn, you know who are the harshest critics of women's bodies? Other women lol

Guyinroom83 @JQuick i called it with the margot stuff!

Guyinroom83 elizabeth holmes purposely copied jobs. i read the book about theranos, she literally did copy him

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly has given me the confidence I need. I WILL name my penis.

Guyinroom83 im naming mine 'cloaca'

JQuickDraw Supporter "I like this woman." Beverly and Alex: "Her jowels are a little much. Her ears are elfen. She's got crazy eyes."

Guyinroom83 lmao. quickdraw, before consent is given?

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh no, the cute, spunky owner of the cookie factory can't pay her bills. The orphans won't have cookies for Christmas! Wait, who's this tall handsome newcomer to the town? <-- Every Hallmark Movie
get off my internet, donkey
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ an alexoholic? merch addicted
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Married with Children was brilliant
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you guys sound funny at 1.75 speed
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no, distance makes the heart grow fonder has a flip side
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the more you make someone feel like part you don't need, the more they drift, until....
If one spouse's parent is living with you don't ask them to watch the kids for date night. Get a babysitter even if the grandparent normally watches the kids. Asking permission kills the mood.
Welcome to Bev ANd AL sex relationship chat
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no-one you are with loves you for who and what you are
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the one watching from the wings does
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ or thinks they do
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ stop ignoring chat you dimcunts
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no, I fucking hate tom hanks
Tom Hanks is a pedo
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ There is a more neurotic version of ALex?
Bev-Early, can you make Alex say romance trope again, it made my winky tingle.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I apologise for nothing

RonGreen1 Nobody can sleep in Seattle. Those 2 AM gunshots wake me up every time. And then come the sirens. First the cops. Then the medics. Then the ambulance. Sleepless in Seattle.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I don't even know where seattle is
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ is it near florida

RonGreen1 Seattle is the gateway to Alaska.

JQuickDraw Supporter They should remake the movie in modern day Seattle. They met in Chaz/Chop. She was fire bombing federal buildings. He was curb stomping motorists. But love put them both in the hospital.

JQuickDraw Supporter Comatose in Chaz

JQuickDraw Supporter Man I love watching Beverly and Alex shitting on the classics lol. It's my new hobby.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

RonGreen1 Chaz/Chop was in Capitol Hill, where they have the rainbow crosswalks and flags.

RonGreen1 Seattle is now called Seatroit.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ happy ending, 5 dollah
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ten dollah for you ron
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ chaz was the best
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the garden lol

RonGreen1 Chinatown is now called Happy Ending Town.😂

RonGreen1 Seattle just recently got rid of the Chaz garden. There were people protesting to keep the garden.

RonGreen1 Now we have school teachers spraying graffiti on buildings to support Paleswine.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ johnnyboy likes you shitting in his mouth
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ he does

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 i always have to figure out who it is for a sec when erl says johnny boy

Guyinroom83 dont kink shame @winky
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ shitting in mouths is beyond kink
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a public safety concern

Guyinroom83 tell that to vince mcmahon. not sure about in mouth, but on head
There is always an ALSO with alex, even after your make her come and your tongue is numb...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ read that beverly
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev has nic hair
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'd stroke alexs hair if it was longer
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ run out of creepy things to say
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ CAN WE REQUEST A SONG?
this is the link for anyone but you

JQuickDraw Supporter Winky, I have confidence in you. Your creepy comments are your superpower.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dugga dun
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's kermit
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex, when can we play darktide again?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a game, not a joke about her period
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ all your president'''s'' are gay

JQuickDraw Supporter Each president has his own day, but they share a day too, so it should be spelled President's' Day.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ many things have been on her tongue

JQuickDraw Supporter Today's Stream Notes:

JQuickDraw Supporter 1) Elon Musk has a penis

JQuickDraw Supporter 2) I can name my penis.

JQuickDraw Supporter 3) Sleepless in Seattle sucks.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I would never name my penis quick draw
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ tempting fate
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what is sis
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sids
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sids vicious
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ god save the queen
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ baby regime

JQuickDraw Supporter From an evolutionary perspective, having the quickest penis gives you an adaptive advantage over the slower appendages.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ make you a moron
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ potential cot death
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sids is like floyd fenatyle syndrome, I cants breathe
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex smothers children
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Sid vicious
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Sudden Infant Deaf Soccer
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the ball has bells in it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is killing all these babies
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ MAL U TRINTIONED
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex kills the babies
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dead babies at 9 est
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ by alex babykiller
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ brave dead babies

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

Advocates_For_Youth_Protction Yo I got a question. What can I do to increase my followers??? I expose online Child predators, Im new to rumble, Can seem to get a big following on here, most is there dont have rumble.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ death to all babies

JQuickDraw Supporter @Advocates_For_Youth_Protction Have you tried hanging around schoolyards?

Advocates_For_Youth_Protction people around schoolyards have rumble?

JQuickDraw Supporter If you get too close to the kids, there will be a rumble.

Advocates_For_Youth_Protction i like what u did there

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahaha.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

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