Revelation Bible Study / Secrets 6:3-4

11 months ago

The Devil shows up on earth defeated. He is the army of undead. But people who think the anti-christ is the first horse will be expecting the devil to be in control. They may think Messiah only gains control at the very end - after Great Tribulation. But that is far from the case. The Day of the Lord takes place before the Great Tribulation - as I understand it - and it is on this day everyone acknowledges Jesus/Yehoshua is Lord.

The enemy wants you to think you are powerless and defeated. You are not - he is. If the ten tribes show up do not look to them either as your lord and savior. There is one who has overcome and only those who join with him are overcomers. Everyone else is a weapon in his hand. On the Day of the Lord he blows another defeat to the dragon as well as the 10 horns/his weapon that opposes him. On that day he alone is Lord.

We should not have to wait for that day for us to acknowledge this. And when you overcome realize you are his servant - just as any weapon in his hand would be.

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