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15 seconds

SN1405: Western Exorcism, Social Health Playbook & Humanocracy, by AI ⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2024/02/16/western-exorcism-social-health-playbook-humanocracy-by-ai]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/02/16/sn1405-western-exorcism-social-health-playbook-humanocracy-by-ai/]

This transmission has remnants of the deep diving I did over the weekend into the 1500s-1800s, the Old World as well as Gnostic teachings of Christianity. After recognizing that we’re not in that time frame, and getting temporarily locked into where we are right now, a sad and daunting reality began to set in. We truly are in a time of great transformation, transition and transcendence.

Classically liberal doctors, scientists and experts are beginning to see what we’ve been reporting on for years now; the deaths from the COVID vaccines. In places like Australia, we’re gradually beginning to see small wins where, in court, employers are being held liable for injuring their employees. While this may seem miniscule, it isn’t. These small wins will awaken the population to the true agenda.

The controlling elite are gambling with the birth right of every living human being on the planet. The deaths that have resulted from the shot was the start of their tyrannical takeover, while the forced importation of immigrants is the ground force being used to constrain people. Rescuing civilization from these genocidal megalomaniacs is the only solution we have, regardless of if we expire ourselves in the process.

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