Actions Speak Louder Than Words [Poem]

1 year ago

Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Questions For Strengthening Integrity - by Tom Shaw

How can you remain anti-globalist
when you are withdrawing from BRICS?
How can you remain anti-warmongerer
when you’re cheering the Zionist kicks?
How can you remain anti-Big Pharma
when poison shots are the source of your wealth?
How can you remain anti-fear porn
when you promote scare-stories on health?

I do not pose these questions with malice;
I pose them to make you stronger.
For you do more than many others do,
and I’d gladly see you go for longer.
But I fear there are blind spots in your vision,
just as there are in all of ours, and mine.
But I check my mirrors and off to the side
when leading a convoy up an incline.

How can we remain fighters for truth
when we still play into systems of lies?
How can we remain helping the future
when we do what caused our elders’ demise?
How can we remain planting the seeds
when we are digging on shaky ground?
How can we remain harmonious
when our actions don’t match how we sound?


Music: Kai Engel - Low Horizon


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