drinking warm malt liquor outta the trash can...MEMORIES!

3 months ago

it's so pretty!
the keyboard is gonna make that noise, just accept it amy
unless it's funny n takes me somewhere better
i do enjoy this quite a bit
this does fill the void n God gave this to me
the psychedelic experience of Divine Liturgy
george carlin made fun of "nice" for a reason, he's right it's superficial
josh is good not nice
energy is a communal thing
i'm not a musician so this is frustrating for me sometimes
at least i can laugh at myself
non-alcoholic corona
i won this bottle opener at twin kegs 2 for best comedy set
phones. porn. pills.
i definitely acquired the taste of beer back when i drank a fuck ton of it
if i can make it to the end of june, it will be 13 years
i guess 0.0% is better
microdosing beer i suppose
i will fuck up some beer-battered cheese curds
fear is what makes you a pussy
you gotta fall down in order to learn
i left the salad at work on the counter
jalapenos are all that matters
when do i not have jalapenos, it's kinda an ag staple at this point

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