Israel is a colonial state committing a genocide

4 months ago

I made this video in response to a comment on a youtube video. Youtube tends to delete my comments so I decided to post this on Rumble. Below is the comment and my response to the comment.

"I respect your Passion but I do disagree with you. You're saying you have never seen any attacks on Israel? Israel is attacked regularly via rockets and suicide bombers Oct 7, was simply a larger scale. I have also witness two terrorist attacks(suicide bombers, shooters,stabbers) in Israel, typically they shoot the individual actor and the event is over. But it's a constant threat in Israel, such buildings are required to have a rocket safe room to be up to code. And you can see the explosion along the border, all of which are from Palestine, there are plenty of incidents of hamas using humans as shields. Only one side has hostages and the other side just wants safety. You can be upset about the loss of lives of innocence which is reasonable but the fact is one side is terrorist the other wants the hostages to come home. What are you saying about those other populations would you support native America killing current us citizens? And you still haven't answer my question what does a Palestinian army uniform look like? My point was that you are throwing the book (and you seem to forget that the rules also state you are not allowed you use civilians structures as a shield, which is Hamas is strategy, do you know where the leader of Hamas live not in gaza my friend) at Israel for civilians casualties yet turn a blind eye to the very barbarism that led to this response. We can disagree but all I ask is look at the actions of Hamas and tell me why you would support such a organization that's violates any Western value. Now there is plenty to criticize on Israel and I hate the conservative nature of their government, but you know what they do have freedom. And Palestinian only hope for that and prosperity is the elimination of Hamas, an sadly that comes with an overwhelming cost of life which is unfortunate but let's not forget who is responsible unless you plan to defend Muslim extremists and want to live theocracy where human rights simply are non existent."

I addressed your point about uniforms but the comment got deleted. I will try to address your points 1 by 1. I am aware that the Palestinians do attack Israelis. This is an insurgency against an occupying force. The Palestinians do not have an Army, they don't have a military base, they do not have tanks, fighter jets, Naval vessels. All they have are small arms. In a place as densely populated as Gaza, where do you expect Hamas or any other Palestinian resistance group to go? It is nonsense to talk about Hamas hiding behind human shields. And no one, believes Israel is trying to eliminate Hamas or that they have the ability to eliminate Hamas. Hamas leadership is not even in Gaza. And as long as Israeli oppression continues, even if they manage to kill Hamas, some other extremist group will take its place. The plan was always to empty and annex Gaza.

Hamas isn't the only ones with hostages. Israel has been keeping thousands of Palestinians in prison without trial for years. Some of these prisoners are children who have been imprisoned for 10 years. Hamas very early on in the current conflict has asked for a prisoner exchange which Israel refused. Then later agreed to on a limited basis. One of the Palestinian prisoners released in exchanged for Israeli hostages was a girl who had been imprisoned for 8 years. You see all the reporting and interviews of Israeli hostages in mainstream media, but you never hear or see reports or interviews of the Palestinian prisoners. So it is understandible for people to think that only 1 side is keeping hostages. Hamas broke international law and committed war crimes. They killed civilians. But their circumstances were just so dire that I cannot for one condemn them. Not only that, we still don't know how many of the 1200 Israelis were actually killed by Hamas because we know the IDF killed many of the hostages. There is testimony from Israeli survivors on top of the IDF admitting to having killed their own. It is an Israeli military doctrone. I believe they call it the Hannabal directive.

So, what is so dire about the Palestinian's circumstances? They live under occupation with no end in sight. In Gaza Israel limit the amount of food allowed into Gaza to just above starvation level. This means that there is always someone going hungry in Gaza and that Gazans either die to the IDF going in to "Mow the Lawn," or they die of malnutrition. They are imprisoned in what David Cameron (an avid Israel supporter) called,"the largest outdoor prison in the world." It is basically a concentration camp. I don't mean a death camp I mean a concentration camp. They have been completely blockaded for nearly 2 decades and cannot freely leave Gaza to go anywhere else. They cannot even go further than 1km into the sea and I am sure the IDF turn them back frequently even if they stay within those limits. Just like the IDF can wilfuly detain or refuse passage from any check point to any Palestinian. Gaza is a living hell where the average age of the population is 18 and I am pretty sure it is actually lower, but lets just stick to 18.

Meanwhile in the West Bank, Israeli settlers are harrassing and killing Palestinians in their homes forcing them off their land so they can take it. The West Bank over the years have become a bunch of Islands for the Palestinians. There are roads that Israel does not allow them to use. Mind you, this is on their own internationally recognized undisputed land.

Lets get at the root of the problem. Israel is a colonial state committing an on going genocide. For more than 75 years starting with the Nakba, Israel has been killing and oppressing Palestinians for their land. Zionists never had any claim to the land. First of all Zionists are descendents of European converts to Judaism. We know that some of them may be descendants of Levantine Jews. We also know that the Palestinians have a much stronger claim to being descendants of the original Jews. The Palestinians have been living in Palestine for hundreds if not thousands of years. They are the indigenous people of the area. So how do the Zionists have any claim to the land? They don't! Even if they are truly pure blood descendants of the original Jews they would not have any claim, period. How do you make a thousand plus year old claim?

Now lets look at it from a religious point of view. Zionism is antithetical to Judaism. Zionists reject Judaism in favor of racist Evangelical interpretations of the Bible such as Jewish exceptionalism. The definition of a Jew is someone who believes in Judaism. There are white Jews, black Jews, brown Jews (who are probably the original Jews) and even yellow Jews these days. Now these Zionists claim to be Jews and claim that Israel is their promised land which is utterly ridiculous because they go against everything real Jews stand for. Real Torah Jews are anti-Zionists.

So what right do they have to flood into Palestine, killing Palestinians and taking their land? People who support Israel while they complain about illegal aliens entering the country are hypocrites.

So we have this situation where this deeply racist apartheid ethnostate that places self proclaimed Jews above everybody else and enacts laws that discriminate against non-self proclaimed Jews and even practice eugenics sterilizing the black Jews. And they have been killing and terrorizing the Palestinians for nearly a century. But now it has escalated to the point where they are killing thousands of innocent children and blatantly obvious about their genocidal intent. They do not care because it is near the end game. They are this close to finally taking away that last bit of land the Palestinians live in. And they have never been held accountable in all the decades before when they commit countless war crimes. The US and western allies like the UK have always protected them.

Somehow, the Israeli lobby managed to control western media and brainwashed everyone into thinking that Israelis are the good guys. They are the victims. But they didn't account for the internet exposing the truth. But it doesn't matter, they (Israel) have all the western politicians in their pocket at least the ones who are in power. Anyone who dares criticize them they cancel and destroy calling them anti-semitic when in fact it is Zionists who are anti-semitic. They even label real Jews such as Jewish Voice for Peace an "anti-semitic hate group." It would be funny if it wasn't so serious and we aren't talking about thousands if not millions of lives. It would be funny if they weren't violating our constitution and undermining our democracy here in the US.

I have an analogy for the Palestinian situation from an American perspective.

A group of Native Americans (Israelis) stormed into your home and forced you and your family (Palestinians) out of the house. They claim that the Great Spirit (Zionism/Judaism) told them this was their promised land. Apparently, the courts (UN) have sided with them without consulting your family. Your father claims that some of his ancestors were Native Americans who converted to Christianity (Islam). They don't care. Your father fought with them and was gunned down. They force your family out of the house and most of the land (Your family had a large property). They allow you to put up tents in a corner of the yard (Gaza/West Bank) and live there. Then they wall off your part of the yard and forbade you from leaving. You tried to call the police (US) but the cops are buddies with the Native Americans. They even gave them guns and ammo. Sometime after, the Native Americans weren't satisfied with what they got. They started to wall off chunks of what was left to you and your family to build condos for their friends and family. You protest and the courts (UN) support you and declared it illegal. But they won't do anything about it. The Police (US) were also sympathetic when you called, but they kept delivering more guns and ammo to the Native Americans regularly (US$3.8 Billion military aid to Israel every year).

As an example of what Western bias looks like, I would like to point to someone who is somewhat sympathetic to the Palestinians. Rick Steves is a travel guide and not particularly political. His short video is rather revealing. He said Israel built these beautiful housing in Palestinian land but the Palestinians weren't using it. Would you be okay with someone building condos in your backyard because supposedly you weren't using it?

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