even my subconscious won't let me smoke or drink

3 months ago

my hands look deformed
i prefer music over comedy
this is what happens when the battery is dying
you gotta make use of whatever potential is there
i'm fine w/ staying right here
i ain't tryin to go to the studio or nothin
so strange how people live esp these days
i say what you ain't supposed to say real loud
for awhile there i agreed w/ em
i wanna watch the world burn, this is true
when you discover that there are way better artists than the ones you've been listening to
no matter how embarrassing these things are now...
i've done a lotta bad things, i really don't take pride in making people mad
we pay medical professionals to know more than us
infuriating to have my experience so invalidated on a regular basis
kefir is the best thing in the world
strawberry sour cream w/ probiotics
can't imagine selling anything on this channel...who would sponsor me
if people in AA can't handle sponsoring me, yt is out
considering what else comes outta my mouth
in & outta various personality disorders
just remember that you'll never do w/out if you've got God
God ain't boring, it upsets me that so many have this false conception of Him but it also makes sense looking at the dove awards
a lotta these so-called "christian" right wingers are boring as fuck
women are not good in authority positions
not good w/ authority unless it's God
i'm honest to a fault, so much so that i know how much is my fault
totally did that by the way haha...MEMORIES!
that first time i got clipped, the second time i got tboned
(the third car i totaled cos i hit a guard rail, no other cars were involved thank you Lord...i still have the car)
i'm aware of the fact that i shouldn't have a license cos i'm too absent-minded but i am trying to be a better driver
i am very flawed this is kinda sorta obvious
it wasn't that bad haha
when you're doin sumin you're never aware of what's it's worth at the time
do you care enough to be aware
you think i haven't been to therapy, man
either demonic or free mason symbols haha, all three of em
why i keep my liberal artifacts
i utilized this opportunity once i was outta my parents' house
i am always outta time w/ the rest of society
i hate how easily distracted i am by these obsessive compulsive habits of mine such as fucking w/ my nails
i relapsed at 24 n behaved like i had just turned 21
thank you rehab for teaching me to acquire the taste of coffee
treatment centers are really good at getting you hooked on other shit
i should just accept my mustache
artists have way more leeway in regards to gender
i made a lotta people nervous due to my binge drinking
having dreams about picking up a white chip is just a terrible state to be in
i'm not a fan of cults cos i ain't a sheep

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