BREAKING: New Research Implicates UK State in Policy of Mass-Euthanasia With Midazolam Using Covid Deaths as Cover

4 months ago

A Radical Dispatch

1) Mandated Midazolam injections Correlate to UK excess death

A new pre-publication academic paper has found a statistically significant very high correlation between UK excess deaths and the use of death-row drug Midazolam used in NHS end of life care death protocol.

The paper’s author Dr. Wilson Sy pulls no punches, stating that these excess deaths were “wrongly attributed to Covid” but statistically correlate instead to health professionals injecting patients with death-row drug Midazolam, in what appears to be “a possible policy of systemic euthanasia” of our elderly and disabled in care homes.

No, that is not a typo. Yes, you read that correctly.

Over the last month Radical Media has been addressing the issue of global excess death coupled with increasingly alarming peer-reviewed research papers linking Covid vaccines to multiple serious health problems. When considering the possible causes for this confirmed global excess death, Radical Media presented two options.

Radical Media reports 31st January 2024:

The publication of peer-reviewed research linking Covid vaccines to this excess death has bolstered option (i) above as a possible cause for higher than normal death rates.

The release now of this new Australian paper that finds a correlation between state-mandated Midazolam injections and UK excess death confirms option (ii) as a second cause.

Here is the new research paper in question by Dr Wilson Sy.

And here is Dr Wilson Sy’s summary from the paper’s abstract:

“This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020.”

As if that part wasn’t shocking enough, Dr Sy continues:

“Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.“

Here is a screen-grabbed image of the abstract, with the relevant parts highlighted in yellow for any who may doubt what their eyes are reading right now.

At this stage, for those who may be wondering why a correlation between Midazolam injections and excess death is statistically surprising, considering that any vulnerable patients dying from Covid would have been issued ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) orders and placed on an ‘end of life care pathway’ regardless, and so would obviously have been administered Midazolam in order to spare them a slow Covid death, this question has also been addressed by Dr. Sy’s research.

Statistically, Covid cases simply do not correspond to Covid deaths.

This begs the question, if not Covid, what exactly was killing all these people in our care facilities? Chillingly, the answer appears to be lethal injections of the death-row drug Midazolam.

Here is a chart used by Dr. Sy plotting the correlation between Midazolam injections and UK excess death. The green line depicts Midazolam monthly injections, and the red line depicts monthly excess deaths. As is evident, and unlike for Covid cases above, these two lines mirror each other in quick succession.

To consider these results alarming is an understatement.

The worrying thing is that - as depicted below - this unusual correlation between Midazolam and UK excess death - and crucially without corresponding Covid cases - only appeared during the state-declared “pandemic”. The isolated red dot in the top right corner represents the period in question. What was the “Covid pandemic” used to conceal?

This new Australian paper is both bold and incredibly frank in its implied conclusions, potentially upending everything people think they understand about what exactly happened during the Covid “pandemic” that never was.

Dr. Sy summarises his findings in the following words:

“The extraordinary spike in UK excess deaths in April 2020 was not due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because there were relatively few infections and there was no ‘high consequence infectious disease’ as officially declared in March 2020.”

The statement that there was “no high consequence infectious disease as officially declared in March 2020” leaves the question as to what killed all those people glaringly open.

Dr. Sy answers this query immediately, and candidly, in the very next paragraph:

“The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic (ie: deaths caused by the medical intervention itself - Ed.), created with widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections in all regions of England, particularly in care homes, under a systemic policy of euthanasia. The nature of the euthanasia needs further investigation. Statistically, Midazolam injections were highly correlated with UK excess deaths throughout the pandemic, overwhelming COVID-19 disease or vaccination as other possible explanations for excess mortality.”

Dr. Sy does not exclude other possible causes for UK excess death, such as vaccination, though he presents Midazolam as the highly correlating, statistically significant factor.

“Midazolam was the common proximal cause of excess deaths in the pandemic, but there were likely many other primary causes including comorbidities, infections and vaccination. The data available are not sufficient to measure the precise impact of vaccination on excess deaths. Vaccination was unlikely to have saved many, if any, lives because the unreliable early data grossly exaggerated COVID deaths, inflating the extent of the SARS-CoV-2 threat which was subsequently assumed and projected in computer models which created illusory benefits.”

Finally, Dr. Sy seems aware that his findings totally disrupt most of what the world thinks it knows about the Covid “pandemic” that never was.

“Most global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, only based on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, are probably inaccurate, because their assumptions are generally false due to the significant presence of confounding factors in some countries, such as the UK.”

Again, here is a screen-grab from the paper’s conclusion for those who are still digesting the severity of what Dr. Sy’s words imply.

What we are reading here is clearly damning. The implications of Dr. Wilson Sy’s research is that every 2020 death that was marked as Covid was instead a non-Covid death caused by a deliberate state policy of overdosing our elderly and vulnerable with death-row drug Midazolam, so that they would be no longer be a financial burden on the system, the NHS and pension funds.

Knowing this, and having read what you just have, now ask yourselves why so many disabled people died during this same 2020 period in question.

The BBC reports 11th February 2021:

“Nearly six out of every 10 people who died with coronavirus in England last year were disabled, figures suggest. Some 30,296 of the 50,888 deaths between January and November were people with a disability, Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows. It also suggests the risk of death is three times greater for more severely disabled people.”

Remember, and as we have shown above from Dr. Sy’s research, Covid case fatality rates do not match the 2020 death results. The only factor that very strongly correlates with these deaths is the nation-wide administration of Midazolam.

As such, the UK case study can only be described as a deliberate state policy of systemic euthanasia in pursuit of eugenicist goals.

The implication here is horrific.

2) Scotland’s Covid inquiry confirms Dr. Sy’s Midazolam findings

Readers will recall that England’s Covid inquiry has been suspiciously postponed until after the general election. Despite this, Scotland’s inquiry has been allowed to continue and - as revealed by Radical Media over the last few weeks, has continued to embarrass the entire UK state over its panicked reaction to Covid. It is amidst Scotland’s Covid inquiry that Dr. Wilson Sy’s latest paper on Midazolam receives further corroboration.

Dr. Sy’s above stated view that “The UK COVID-19 pandemic was iatrogenic (ie: deaths caused by the medical intervention itself - Ed.), created with widespread and persistent use of Midazolam injections..” has just received a surprising confirmation in the recently published Scottish Covid-19 inquiry authored by Dr Ashley Croft.

Here is Dr Croft’s report:

Of interest is Appendix 7, which states that the abnormally high 15% case fatality rate during the early weeks of Covid was probably caused by “harmful treatment protocols (e.g. over-enthusiastic use of intravenous fluids…).”

Here is the relevant passage, in context:

“The unusually high mortality in young adults with ‘Spanish flu’ that occurred in some countries (e.g. UK and USA) is now thought to have been in large part due to harmful treatment protocols that were used in those countries (Starko 2009). In the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic the case-fatality rate was reported to be as high as 15%, causing widespread alarm. This high reported rate may likewise have been due, at least in part, to harmful treatment protocols (e.g. over-enthusiastic use of intravenous fluids, nursing patients in the supine rather than the prone position, etc), such as are no longer implemented. The crude case-fatality rate for COVID-19, averaged across all age groups, is now considered to be around 0.5–1% [in Scotland it was 0.29%]; the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 deaths occur in those who are very old, or very sick. In 2020 and 2021 some commentators drew parallels between COVID-19 and the high mortality rates in young people that were reported in some countries during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic. Arguably, the drawing of these historical parallels was misleading, and contributed to the atmosphere of panic that prevailed in 2020 and 2021 – and that hence facilitated the introduction, in some countries, of repressive and authoritarian response measures against COVID-19 that were often harmful at a societal level, but that were declared as necessary to ‘contain’ SARS-CoV-2.”

To which ‘harmful treatment protocols’ delivered intravenously do readers assume that Dr Croft is referring? Dr. Croft is stating here that the abnormally high 15% early case fatality rate may well have been iatrogenic (ie: caused by the medical intervention itself), just as Dr. Wilson Sy concluded above. It all points again to Midazolam.

Here is a screen grab of Appendix 7 with the relevant sections highlighted:

3)The Midazolam murders are becoming common knowledge

Radical Media has supported and platformed victim-family voices who have been raising the alarm about UK Midazolam deaths. Captured by us, the below photograph is from a standing-room only Parliamentary hearing for victim-family members on the topic.

The very difficult to ignore new evidence that has emerged in the form of Dr. Wilson Sy’s paper and Dr. Ashley Scott’s findings have finally aroused interest among other, newer voices. Former Australian member of Parliament and National Director for the United Australia Party Craig Kelly has started to raise the alarm.

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