Rep. Carlos Gimenez Calls for Immediate Decoupling from the Communist China

1 year ago

02/13/2025 Rep. Carlos Gimenez: We must decouple from the CCP right now, because every penny we send to Communist China is enhancing their economy and military, it also enhances their ambition to dominate the world. The CCP has told us their true intention, which is to dominate the world economically, militarily in a new world order. So it is time to start to decouple from Communist China.
02/13/2025 议员卡洛斯·希梅内斯: 我们必须现在就与中共国脱钩,因为我们送给中共国的每一分钱都在增强他们的经济和军事实力,它还增强了中共想要称霸世界的野心。中共已经告诉了我们他们的真实意图,即在一个新的世界秩序中主导世界经济和军事。因此,是时候我们开始与中共国脱钩了。

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