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TheDimValentine LIVE: Happy Valentine's Day!
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 10 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.
MudderFetcher Happy Valentine's Day! ♥️ 🍻
RonGreen1 When a goose honks, is that considered using fowl language?
JQuickDraw Supporter If a goose pushes you down the stairs, they've engaged in fowl play.
RonGreen1 The lights on the Columbia Tower are red tonight. Happy Valentine's Day. ❤️
RonGreen1 @JQ 😂
MudderFetcher what about ALL of the goose jokes:
JQuickDraw Supporter Happy disembodied heart day! Did you know Valentine's Day has its origins in Aztec religious sacrifices and ancient Indian demon cults?
RonGreen1 I thought Hershey's created Valentine's Day.
MudderFetcher I heard some people calling it Ass Wednesday too
JQuickDraw Supporter Hershey Highway needs love too
RonGreen1 Al Capone created Valentine's Day.
MudderFetcher those all sound like movies where someone might break into song
JQuickDraw Supporter More like 2 hour sing-a-longs with small amounts of talking breaking out here and there.
JQuickDraw Supporter "Okay, the time signature on this next one is 7.25/pi. Watch the bridge, it uses imaginary numbers.
TunedToKey Finally
TunedToKey Finally
TunedToKey Are you sharing music director nightmares?
TunedToKey I almost got fired from a gig because I don't sight read music
JQuickDraw Supporter Aztec sacrifices - they used to pull out people's still beating hearts / Indian death cults - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - another heart pulling party.
TunedToKey Send me the track & I will figure it out
RonGreen1 I left my heart in San Francisco. - ancient Aztec princess
RonGreen1 Tales From The Hood.😂
RonGreen1 I pulled my hamstring muscle, and it seems to effect my foot to a degree.
MudderFetcher if we can just get Beverly to lick Alex's foot this would all go away...Science!
RonGreen1 Doctors are just bankers, with a medical degree.
MudderFetcher not big on doctors or veterinarians these days
thrasybulus Doctors are restricted in terms of time. The reimbursement rates restrict their ability to spend extra time on you.
MudderFetcher I saw some study about chiropractors being a far better line for prevention than GPs simply because they see their patients far more often
thrasybulus Urgent Care, the space between a Primary Care Physician and the Emergency Department.
MudderFetcher BREAKING!: Everything still sucks. Check back next week.
TunedToKey Talk about the cop that unloaded his gun into his squad car because an acorn fell on his car & startled him
RonGreen1 Airline food has changed.🤣
thrasybulus Which neurosis is the correct question.
MudderFetcher Honey Roasted Maggots are probably next...damn airlines
JQuickDraw Supporter You bad talk the maggots, just wait until you have a broadsword injury and need the maggots to clean out the wound before landing.
JQuickDraw Supporter I think the maggots are better than a bunch of gay men falling out of the overhead compartment onto my head.
MudderFetcher it was from some weird fish
TunedToKey Nasty
TunedToKey Surprise, they hid the fish in their prison wallet
thrasybulus I have a book and a club, but not a book club.
JQuickDraw Supporter I clubbed a book once. It never bothered me again.
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 did say bugs made her need a shower. Showering with bugs just makes it more efficient.
MudderFetcher "You're eating maggots Michael."
RonGreen1 🎶 raindrops keep falling on my head🎶
thrasybulus Customs tends to screen more at the arrival than the departure end.
MudderFetcher just what I want...more flights and more meals lmfao
MudderFetcher Arby's does have the beef
MudderFetcher beef and cheddar without the cheese is surely a war crime
thrasybulus The appropriate song for this.
RonGreen1 Peanut butter, honey and oatmeal. Homemade energy bars.👍
MudderFetcher wife recently made vegan and gluten free cookies...put enough chocolate and pecans in there and it fixes em lol
thrasybulus Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches work well.
thrasybulus Gluten free? Imprison the Gluten.
MudderFetcher they were legit fat ass had her make them 2 more times lmao
thrasybulus Valentine was justly executed for his crimes undermining the good order and discipline of the Roman Legions.
OakPoke Supporter I just ate some based gluten. pizza power. evening ladies and chat
MudderFetcher I keep gluten in a small baggy under the sink
OakPoke Supporter under my thumb 👍
RonGreen1 A 24/7 vette? I prefer the 67 vette.
OakPoke Supporter My eye exam took awhile.. Asian eye doctor seemed almost flirty
OakPoke Supporter junk in trunk airport
JQuickDraw Supporter Bacon on a buttered roll with a couple of fried eggs, salt, pepper, and ketchup, perfect breakfast sandwich, just add a nice cup of coffee.
MudderFetcher @JQuickDraw hot sauce?
Happy Valentine's Day! I paid for my ex girlfriend to go visit her family in the Phillipines and she promised to pay me back. I only got half back.
JQuickDraw Supporter Never tried hot sauce on it, but worth a try. Just not sure about a spicy kick first thing in the morning lol.
MudderFetcher the green cholula is my fave
JQuickDraw Supporter Drop biscuits are easy to make.
MudderFetcher "I Have Made Biscuits" -Alex's Cooking Book
RonGreen1 A woman that can't make biscuits, can never be a real woman.
JQuickDraw Supporter What about the gravy? What good are biscuits without the gravy???
JQuickDraw Supporter French fries are called chips I think.
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw And Chips are called crisps. The English need to learn English.
OakPoke Supporter gals gotta get winky s Scottish meat pie recipe
OakPoke Supporter fanny means v. a. g. I n. a. in England 🏴
JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus The Brits invented English. Americans perfected it. 😎
MudderFetcher lemme tell y'all about Hoe's cornbread cooked on a hoe...take that as you will
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Except for the Bostonians, the New Jersey, and New Yorkers.
I'm not big on bacon either, but I got a breakfast burrito from Wendy's this morning with bacon and they give you cholula sauce, very good.
RonGreen1 Mayorkas is that uncle that you never let near your children.
MudderFetcher we are clearly doomed...reauthorize 702s without Warrant and let's declare War on Russia!
thrasybulus Lying to Congress is a felony, which is by definition a high crime.
thrasybulus The House already passed a border bill. It was HR-2.
MudderFetcher the US Taxcode should be on Github
MudderFetcher it's currently on OnlyFans
JQuickDraw Supporter If the US tax code were programming code, it would be a ransomware rootkit.
RonGreen1 We should give Alex a minigun and send her to the border. I've seen her shoot.
MudderFetcher the only thing which could get me to watch a musical is Beverly playing an instrument
JQuickDraw Supporter Breakfast sausage links are too greasy and sharp tasting. For me, they overpower everything else on fast food breakfast sandwiches.
MudderFetcher I'm just saving the sausage clips for Winky
RonGreen1 One time when the power was out for a week, I tried to cook a frozen pizza on a Coleman stove. It didn't work out very well.😂
thrasybulus Miniguns don't require accuracy. Just point in the general direction, pull trigger, and move around.
JQuickDraw Supporter Grenade launchers also don't need a high level of accuracy.
MudderFetcher Breaking News...Everyone Fell Asleep
thrasybulus @JQuickDraw A belt fed, vehicle mounted, 40mm grenade launcher does great crowd control.
RonGreen1 Human Abedin , former Hillary chief of staff, is dating playboy Alex Soros.
JQuickDraw Supporter I read that too quickly and thought Abedin had hooked up with Alex Stein lol. I was like, man he's playing the long game.
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Wasn't she married to Weiner whose dirty computer had all those Hillary emails?
OakPoke Supporter Wasn't Hillary sleeping with Huma aberdein?
JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus So does a jerry-rigged mega-fire-gun. Just tie several flame throwers together and voila, modern dragon breath. Bonus points to kamikaze the truck with the fuel tanks into a gas station.
RonGreen1 Huma is that girl that was married to Weiner.
MudderFetcher budget wedding...splurge on things which actually matter to you
RonGreen1 If Anthony Weiner and Eric Holder replaced Biden/Harris, it would be the Weiner/Holder ticket.
JQuickDraw Supporter I feel like Maher just needs a big Italian wise guy to slap the shit outta him. Just a few good cracks across the face and he'll be back on track.
OakPoke Supporter That's right on Huma. Weiner/holder lmao
OakPoke Supporter I think he and Ann Coulter strange
MudderFetcher the entry level here is stone as fuck
thrasybulus If you account for jobs taken by migrants, we are still 100k fewer jobs than before covid. 3mil new migrant jobs.
OakPoke Supporter Nightmare
thrasybulus If I work x hours before vs now, can I buy more or less stuff for the same cost?
thrasybulus She also has clients who live in the real world most likely.
OakPoke Supporter I"ve always wanted to beat up Bil Maher since he made a movie mocking christians...I never watched it.
JQuickDraw Supporter Sorry, but Biden explained it, you far right extremists. The problem is greedy companies engaging in shrinkflation. The economy is fine.
thrasybulus Bill Maher would seem like an idiot if his guests were allowed laptops.
MudderFetcher drunk, high, and a dumbass feels like a personal attack
OakPoke Supporter True. It's actually all Trump's fault...i've read this as recently as a week ago
MudderFetcher surprise...Homecoming!
RonGreen1 Biden's brain is 33% smaller. Shrinkflation.
thrasybulus Is it really domestic violence if she just wants me to put the cuffs on her and pull out my baton?
RonGreen1 Most cops are alcoholics. Every shift is just a bunch of people with guns running around hung over, or craving a drink.
thrasybulus Bragg will only prosecute Trump.
OakPoke Supporter We have various news gangs in MN now...they're much more capable @ crime than the blks.
thrasybulus S American gangs are way more capable than people realize.
OakPoke Supporter I"d say so.
RonGreen1 It's like the Mariel boat lift from Cuba, part two. The thugs from central and south America are not what US cops are used to dealing with.
MudderFetcher the good people out there are the ones I'm worried about
thrasybulus Parallel Economy.
OakPoke Supporter The somalis are better @ crime thank the blks...but that doesn't say's all just such a disaster. Infuriating.
MudderFetcher most people stay
OakPoke Supporter @Mudder I suppose it's worse...from all over the globe now
RonGreen1 American thugs are little snowflakes compared to criminals from south of the border.
OakPoke Supporter @Alex in Chicago, the blks voted for the blk communist. The last cycle was mostly just a racial head count...but yeah as a whole, plenty of fraud.
thrasybulus Book talk about the reality of "white flight"
JQuickDraw Supporter It's a Marxist philosophy. Individuals aren't to blame for the things they do. It's society's fault. Power imbalances cause oppressed groups to suffer and lash out, committing crimes.
OakPoke Supporter Now I wanna watch that clip from that documentary....American History, X. ..."It's not crime, it's poverty" lmao
thrasybulus Delaware is a tax haven.
OakPoke Supporter "Say Rodney king was high as a kite and plowed into danny here..."
MudderFetcher can't speak for anyone else but I've only gotten weirder...well weirderererer
thrasybulus Did Elon forget the sarcasm emoji?
RonGreen1 Let's put a 10,000% tax on private jets..
thrasybulus Had to travel recently. Fueled up before heading home. It hurt to spend $0.40 more per gallon to fill up my tank.
OakPoke Supporter Nasty
OakPoke Supporter Lorenz is on the far left....wild
thrasybulus Taylor Loreanz is meeting karma.
OakPoke Supporter Karma, yes.
OakPoke Supporter Where in the world BE Karma San Diego.
thrasybulus Life is a bitch and her stripper name is karma.
OakPoke Supporter Ok, DeWayne. For this job you need to know math. What is 2+2? Umm, 2 plus 2, be 4...
OakPoke Supporter Bill Mitchell is back!!!
thrasybulus Now we know why DeSantis lost. Too much incentive for him to lose.
JQuickDraw Supporter This tweet is making me think of the Golden Earring song, but instead of "radar love" I'm hearing "robot love" in my head.
thrasybulus How do quantify? Create a formula. Easy.
thrasybulus Need sleep. Night.
RonGreen1 Elmo sucks. The Count is king.
JQuickDraw Supporter "Dear, you are my physio-mental companion and the highest percentage match I have found thus far, currently at 78% and trending upward. Assuming I do not acquire a better match, I will stay with you."
RonGreen1 I must make a video using Elmo for target practice.🤣
RonGreen1 Are the Faces of Death videos still out there?
OakPoke Supporter Ron, I watched one as a teen...truly disturbing
OakPoke Supporter I remmeber it showed a guy killing himself with a gun...a guy getting killed by a grizzly...i forget what else...I thought it would be cool...nope
JQuickDraw Supporter Most of the Faces of Death videos were staged. Some of the stuff on the first tape was real, but the rest was bogus.
OakPoke Supporter The guy who killed himself was real...also had autobon accident vitims...i wonder if it was the first one...I wish I hadn't watched it
JQuickDraw Supporter The guy with the gun was Bud Dwyer. A local politician (in PA I think?) who had been framed and was going be arrested. He shot himself on air at a press conference, and everything was caught on tape.
OakPoke Supporter Yeah, that was horrible...I can still see it. I really wish I'd not seen it...
RonGreen1 In Boston, you can order an illegal alien family to clean your house, when you order food.
OakPoke Supporter Making slavery great again
OakPoke Supporter I wanna try some of Alex's wacky restrictive food...idk, if I can have pizza, i'm ok
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I can't have pizza really. Not without getting sick.
OakPoke Supporter Any fake cheese?
OakPoke Supporter Shot him, lol
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I can have lactose free cheese.
OakPoke Supporter A blk dude I knew would take stuff to break down the lactose so he could eat pizza...can you do that or no?
OakPoke Supporter Lol rittenhouse
RonGreen1 You take my breath away. - George Floyd valentine's card
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Lactaid. Yes.
OakPoke Supporter Cool :)
OakPoke Supporter I can picture Michael Scott of the office doing his Chris Rock routine .
OakPoke Supporter Guy is just bitter....
OakPoke Supporter I used to think it'd be cool to build a legal eagle ultralight...Now I'm not so sure and my motorcycle seems a bit extreme...
RonGreen1 When you're in a single prop plane, flying over the mountains in zero visibility, that DEI shit has no place.
OakPoke Supporter 👍️
JQuickDraw Supporter Ah-voh-cah-doh
JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah those shifting funds more into retirement is also because of rising costs - of long term care in old age. They're squeezing people from both ends.
OakPoke Supporter Yes. I wish we could deport 50 plus million people. It would help housing so much, wages too.
JQuickDraw Supporter The media keeps saying it's his age. It's not his age, it's his mental faculties, which may or may not be deteriorating because of age.
OakPoke Supporter Yeah. My grandfathers were totally there till they died...both older than biden.
OakPoke Supporter The shooters looked crispy as F8ck
OakPoke Supporter JoJo has the crazy eyes
RonGreen1 Biden meant to say Napoleon.
OakPoke Supporter Jean-Pierre should be sent back to Haiti....
RonGreen1 Karine Jean Houseplant
OakPoke Supporter That hair is something else
OakPoke Supporter Her and Ice Spice have the same hair. Both could have downs syndrome.
JQuickDraw Supporter What in the holy hell is this? She looks like a Ratchetty Ann, Pimp Edition.
RonGreen1 She looks like she stuck her head in a deep fryer.
OakPoke Supporter Give Alex a red wig and we'd call her Alecki Psacki. She could do Jean Pier's job
OakPoke Supporter Nikki is a horrible woman. She changed her husband's name, cheated on him twice anyway.
OakPoke Supporter Uses his service as if it were her resume.
RonGreen1 Nikki Snakeskin
OakPoke Supporter I hate her , and the people who back her even more.
OakPoke Supporter Green state. Vermont.
OakPoke Supporter Drunk as a skunk
OakPoke Supporter Pelosi is a lush, and much more likeable than this ho bag
RonGreen1 The Mexican's built the pyramids. Who knew?
OakPoke Supporter "I'm pro 2nd amendment, but we need to ban rifles." Camala Hariss
OakPoke Supporter Poor Biden is constipated.
RonGreen1 Biden dirtys more diapers in one hour, than most babies do in a day.
OakPoke Supporter True
OakPoke Supporter Real fibroid hours
OakPoke Supporter Hank Hill had a narrow urethra.
OakPoke Supporter I saw a 400 plus pound blk woman with a skinny as a rail blk dude @ the gym. Both were walking on the treadmill
JQuickDraw Supporter I would venture to say that the woman was not walking, but rather lumbering on the tread mill. Just saying.
OakPoke Supporter I saw her when she finished...getting off the treadmill seemed very difficult.
JQuickDraw Supporter Also, I would guess the guy is always on top during sex, because, you know, he doesn't want to die.
OakPoke Supporter lmao!!
RonGreen1 Beverly was playing the BMW game. Big monster woman.🤣
OakPoke Supporter She did the mash. She did the monster mash, the monster (woman) mash
JQuickDraw Supporter Courageous Young Planet
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
JQuickDraw Supporter 2000-16
OakPoke Supporter Good night, and God bless.
JQuickDraw Supporter Celsius 232.8
OakPoke Supporter good night chat as well
JQuickDraw Supporter Ray Bradbury's The Hand Drawn Male
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahahaha.
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
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