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Are we getting closer to the release of the next bioweapon super spreader Ebola?

1 year ago

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  • 0/2000
  • The people that shunned or mocked me for trying to tell them Not to get jabbed are still not talking to me. 🤷‍♀️ The people that have lost loved ones will not acknowledge that the jab killed them. I gave up on trying to wake them up. 🤦‍♀️ I’m thankful that my mom & siblings did not take the jab but some of their adult children did. All we can do is Pray. 🙏🙏🙏

  • Michael, thank you for bringing such a good variety of quality content!!! We love and appreciate you so very much.

  • I'm thinking harmonizer necklaces or braclets ???

  • So Jaco, I have listened to you for years, and I am discouraged about this recent turn and pushing different products and multilevel marketing companies. Can we get back to the business of the people.

  • Always love your shows! Great info. Thank you gentlemen!! Keep up the great work!

  • Medical ozone therapy is the cure for Ebola. Integrative medicine doctors do this therapy. Dr Robert Rowan proved this years ago. He has videos on YouTube about it. Chlorine dioxide MMS is another proven cure.

  • As an electrical engineer, I’m listening to the beginning of this show and begin to wonder about the stupidity I’m hearing. When the door closes on the aircraft, all the radiation from the cell phones, Jesus. A cell phone might emit 1/10 of a watt, look at the cell phone antennas mounted at the gate terminals thousands , if not tens of thousands of watts. This guy you being on, complete hoaxer! And really, emf shit you’re trying to sell, promote. You’re turning out to be a snake oil salesman!

    1 like
  • This shit needs to stop! Isn’t anyone in our military going to stop this?! 🤬

    1 like
  • Nope. Focus positive. You know how this works. Yes we have been covered in Ga. North Ga.

  • Missed the guy on plane.

  • I have thought about this long and hard and I am not going to follow your channel anymore you have been bought off by Flynn and Joan and you hated flame so much I guess there's a price for everyone huh I guess they found yours I'm not following you anymore it's sad bye

  • I don't see any harmonizer for the car when I click the link.

  • Michael, FCB has the same issues God bless St. Chamuel and you ❤️ 🙏

  • If these moronic satanic figures do put this horrifying Ebola into action I’m absolutely going to do something to stop them from screwing with me! I’m in So Cal and been poisoned with the chemicals they trail here have me hacking my lungs up ewe. I’m in Big Bear City and it’s cold as can be without electricity lol. I have been choosing to stay off the grid but I have generators and I’m knowing Gods protection is here. Note: anyone who has chosen to stay a citizen of the United States they’re actually allowed to make them test subjects of biological warfare as United States Code Title 50 chapter 32 section 1522 is quite clear my friend (s)!

  • What harmonizer do you recommend?