Sheepdogs vs Predators - How Do We Stay Safe in Society?

4 months ago

Predators in nature don't hunt the strong. They isolate, divide, wear their prey down and then pounce. And it's not pretty, but it has to happen in nature. It's called the Circle of Life. In many ways, it makes the rest of the animal kingdom stronger because the weak, sick, and elderly are taken out which means there's more food, room, etc for the stronger members who can survive, reproduce, etc.

But humans that want to live in a society cannot allow that to happen. We are thinking, rational, compassionate beings (supposedly) who answer to a Higher Being, and we are responsible for our actions. The strongest survival concept has been gone for a really long time and replaced with civilization.

Yet there are still those out there who openly prey on others. Criminals, thugs, despots, and others who refuse to be contributing members of society. What do we do about them?

Honestly, there is little we can do. People must change from within, and until they choose to join society they won't, and frankly, society can't just allow them to roam around and cause damage. That's where law enforcement comes in. It's a concept from the beginning of history so no one should be surprised by that.

Every society establishes rules that the members agree on, and if an individual doesn't agree and follow those rules they will either be punished or expelled. Simple really. Of course, they can always choose to leave voluntarily and start their own society, but few do. Most are too lazy, inept, or corrupt and just want the rules not to apply to them.

So it has been and continues today. When we first started domesticating animals we found it difficult to have a human watch over the flocks and herds 24/7, so we started training other animals to help us. Introducing the Sheep Dog. Fast, loud, smart, and fearless, the sheepdog can protect the herd until help can arrive.

1st responders in general, but especially our Law Enforcement Officers and Military, are our sheepdogs. And like it or not, they are absolutely necessary. Society has gotten too big and diversified to not have them as an integral part of our communities.

Ever thought about how you would do business or live without law enforcement? Do you honestly think you have enough resources to protect yourself, your family, and your employment without police? If you really think about it I pretty much guarantee you don't.

If you disagree I would love to hear where you think I am wrong! Please comment below!

All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum-based forensic DNA collection system and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos.

If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA, @MVacSystemsDNACollection /@MVacSystemsDNACollection

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