King Penguin Loves Catching Soap Bubbles

6 years ago

Soap bubbles are a funny thing. They don’t look like much, but whenever they make their presence, everyone, young and old, turns into a child and wants to play with them. And not just us, humans; animals have been seen playing with the glowing orbs themselves. ZOOs around the world are known to blow bubbles in their residents’ enclosures and it really makes a difference.

In the Sydney aquarium, though, there is one guy that doesn’t want to pop the bubbles. Instead, he collects them. On February 4, one of the King Penguins was caught on camera catching bubbles with his beak! He caught one and carried the thing on his beak, trotting around. But bubbles aren’t forever and it popped, leaving the bird surrounded in question marks. Where did it go?

Ne matter, because he turned around to see more bubbles being blown his way and he caught another one. It looks good on him, doesn’t it?

The Sydney Aquarium offers the world’s first Penguin Expedition, “an immersive experience allowing you to get up close and personal to a spectacular colony of King and Gentoo penguins during a sensory and educational sub-Antarctic boat journey!” You can “meet the coolest colony in town, get up close to our King and Gentoo Penguins and experience magical flurries of snow, whistling winds and the stunning southern lights”

Sound like an adventure, doesn’t it?

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